My preliminary opinion...I don't think this is good for anyone. It mentions nothing about CHP, so that will not be a benefit. These ambulance chasers just want to collect money from someone, anyone. How is a business or manufacturer supposed to plan for EVERY possible event, especially when brought on by a mentally deranged person?
This reminds me of when a helicopter crashed near Lincoln. The crash was clearly due to pilot negligence. The pilot hit a fixed object with the tail rotor. If you don't know anything about helicopters, this virtually renders the aircraft uncontrollable. Final result is an out of control rotation of the aircraft. The pilots instinctive (yet futile) reaction is to mash the counteracting foot pedal to the floor. In this case the pilots response resulted in the pedal being bent all to hell. Amazing what strength you can muster as soon as your sphincter slams shut.
The owner's attorney came out to survey the wreckage. When he saw the bent pedal, he asked if it was designed to bend like that. When he was told "No", he said "You know, we could sue and get some money for that".