There are numerous competitions that utilizes ranges up to and exceeding 50 yards with a handgun. PPC, Match 3 for pistols, Match 5 for revolvers. Metallic Silhouette has ranges for hunter pistol from 40-50-75 and 100 yards. And, recently Julie Golob using a M&P Shield broke 8 inch balloons at 25, 50, 100 and 150 yards.
While I respect Mr. Dan, the comment of I will use my pistol to fight to my rifle, is really just a catch phrase unless you have a rifle with you at all times, and then when you are shooting your pistol to get to your rifle, what are your rounds doing? Just flying in the air to never, never, land? I agree if I HAD TO go into a fight, I would prefer a rifle, but if I am at a mall and someone starts shooting at people and I cannot get my family and myself clear and I MUST engage to protect my family, I want to know where my weapon shoots at extended ranges.
Good practice does involve seeing where your weapon shoots at extended ranges. Most people would be really surprised at the number of people who have never fired their weapon beyond 15 yards, let alone 25, 50 or beyond.
For consistent long range shooting in a good carry size, a medium frame .357 is hard to beat, but I have seen good shooters who shot 9mm, 40s (not so much) and .45s consistently at 50 yards striking a FBI target and qualifying with the weapon at that range.
Again, not wanting to be argumentative, but if you carry a weapon you should be versed in what it can do and what it can't do and then stick to your limitations.