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Author Topic: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...  (Read 5208 times)

Offline Gunscribe

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I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:40:26 PM »
Nebraska Firearms Owners Association

Note that does not say; Nebraska Concealed Carry Owners Association, Nebraska Pimp-Gun Owners Association or Nebraska My Way or you don’t have a Right to Carry Owners Association.

It says Firearms Owners Association! That means ALL gun owners not just the ones you approve of.

Articles of Incorporation
The corporation is organized to: (1) protect and defend the rights of citizens of the State of Nebraska to acquire, possess, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms; (2) promote public safety, law and order; (3) provide a consistent and unified voice for Nebraska firearms owners, including as it relates to firearms legislation at the state and local level; and (4) educate citizens in the State of Nebraska in the safe handling and efficient use of firearms. The Association may take all actions necessary and proper in furtherance of these purposes and objectives.

What part of defend the Right to carry and educate do you not understand? Open carry gatherings are an exceptional tool in educating the public on what should be considered by all gun owners as a non-issue.

If you have been paying attention for the last 15 years or have done some research on other states you will find that open carry is responsible for more good gun laws than bad. (Hint; Virginia & Ohio to name two)

Obviously you were not paying attention when some of us worked hard to get concealed carry passed for your ungrateful selves. At the time open carry was the only legal way and some of us did it and still do.

Now you have the audacity to call me a dope and tell me I am giving the Gun Rights Movement a bad name.

The grabbers kept telling us that we did not need a concealed carry law because open carry is legal; “Only thugs and criminals walk around with hidden guns, be a man, and strap it on your hip so everyone can see it.”

Open carry is still legal and now that some of us handed you concealed carry on a silver platter you bite the hand that feeds you.

When we open carry we are doing the very thing the grabbers told us we needed to be doing ten years ago.

When you demonize open carry you are allowing yourselves to be played for fools by the very grabbers that don’t want you to own a gun in the first place.

The more it is done the more it becomes a non-issue.

To those of you who claim to support the Constitution and our Founding Fathers here is a task for you; when you wake up tomorrow morning look yourself in the mirror ask yourself;

Would the Founding Fathers be proud of how I am representing their legacy?

Mission Statement

The mission of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association is to provide a consistent and unified voice for Nebraska Firearms Owners.

NFOA is organized for the purpose of voicing the opinion of its membership to the Nebraska Legislature and other law making bodies within the state as well as Federal level, as it pertains to firearms. NFOA members will also make it a priority to educate residents on firearms related issues.

I am reminded of an axiom from the old west about Riding for the Brand. If you can’t ride for the brand …………
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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 03:57:27 PM »
That means ALL gun owners not just the ones you approve of.
If only this organization as a whole understood and embraced that ...

Offline bullit

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 08:32:13 PM »
Who called you a dope? I am looking for the post.

Offline Cdog

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 08:39:34 PM »
I know this is a hot-button issue (to say the least), but I am not so sure the divide is as great as it seems between proponents of OC and CC. I wonder sometimes if there are some agitators in the mix who like to drive a wedge here and there when convenient. There are also times when people just say stupid things, something I'm guilty of more often than I'd like to admit.

I do agree with Gunscribe that we need to pull together and be able to recognize that the only real difference between OC and CC is personal preference, and that anything else distracts from ensuring our rights. I also agree with some of the critics of high-profile OC media coverage that these situations could probably use a bit more savvy handling to make them less of a media issue.

Reading most of the criticisms of highly publicized OC gatherings, whether they were meant to be so or not, I fail to see any real criticisms of OC as a concept - that is to say, the critics aren't criticizing the act of OC so much as the manner in which each situation was handled on the media exposure end. And then there are the go-to anti-gun people that the media has on speed-dial to counter anything that smells of gun oil. Part of the problem is also the recent glut of media coverage of anything having to do with guns and how they paint those who misuse and illegally use guns as representative of all gun owners, which brings negative attention to gun ownership that in the past was not nearly as intense.

I wonder if it would benefit to have a professionally written PR statement with some rebuttals of the boilerplate statements made by the anti-crowd. It would certainly be a good idea to have someone trained in PR and message-handling (ok, spin) be the spokesperson for the OC groups when approached by media. By presenting our message professionally with reasoned arguments, we stand a better chance of OC becoming more accepted. Having other members of an OC gathering refer any reporter's questions to the PR person would also allow a clearer and more concise delivery of the message. It may also be a good idea for PR people from NFOA and NOC (if such exist) to work together more closely - personally, I think just having a separate group for OC is divisive, since as Gunscribe says the NFOA should already be handling this aspect of gun ownership.

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2014, 09:10:45 PM »
Really? You are not the one that started a post with the subject line "And the DOPES are at it again"?

No I am not a part of that, but I would be if I were there so yes I am one of the DOPES you referred to.

How many other NFOA members that may associate with open carry did you call DOPES.

Grabbers in Nebraska 10 years ago - We don't need a CCW law open carry is legal. just strap it on if you feel like you need one.

Grabbers in Nebraska now - You can't open carry it offends people and it is dangerous.

If CCW had not passed and lots of people started open carrying the grabbers would have lobbied to have it banned.

Now that we have CCW they want open carry banned. Once they have that they will lobby to restrict concealed carry with their usual tactics - Why do you need to carry there or here, okay you can have a gun in your home but on the street that is a menace to society.

They want a total ban on civilian ownership of guns. They accept one small step ahead, two steps back, three ahead and one back. They are in this for the long haul. If they don't get it done that is okay the next generation might. Just like Hillarycare in the 90's.

That is how liberals think and work.

Most of what you don't want to lose was hard fought victories in the last 10-15 years. If we don't fight to take back even more we will lose what we just got back.

Sidearms Training Academy
La Luz, NM

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2014, 09:41:10 PM »
Well  "Curly Bill Brocious" since you're callin' me out.....  1) as you correctly mention I did not directly refer to YOU in my post.  YOU made that comment and evidently would make that choice should you be here.  Good for you.  I SUPPORT your right to OPEN CARRY.  Let there be NO misunderstanding where I stand on the 2nd Amendment... and I take GREAT offense that you would think my post was in anyway supportive of those who want to disarm us.  Quite the contrary Mi Amigo.......What I will not back down from is my opinion and observation (yes, empiricism) that what is perceived to be the "in your face" OC or events similar to the one tomorrow night tend to cause more harm than good.  I give you the loss of California's previous OC rights.  Closer to home, UNL banned the last firearms on campus rights after two nit-wits decided to parade around with the long rifles a few years ago.  I give Texas Roadhouse in Papillion as the most recent example that now feels compelled to post a sign not welcoming OC.  This last one really burns me due to what I mentioned previously about the Ayoob class that myself and another NFOA member hosted in 2011.  Make no mistake when we dined there it was quite evident that those in our party were carrying to the point fellow diners came up and discussed such with us .... and no call ahead was made AND we all went home alive.  2) As part of the string in my topic you seemed to allude that I used "emotion" and not "common sense" and seemed to equate MY OPINION to that of a liberal.  Well sadly, YOUR opinion of me appears disturbingly wrong about who I am and what I stand for.  For what its worth, I am using "common sense" with regards to OC.  I've seen what the alternative can do when one chooses to not simply go about it without all the hoopla.  Now if you or anyone else (i.e. NFOA or NEOC) wants to have a OC rally....go for it.  I SUPPORT and think this is an appropriate format (again, MY opinion).  3) I am not a native Nebraskan (NATIVE TEXAN thank the Lord), but have lived here since 2001.  I appreciate you and others for your hard work of CHPs.  I am NOT nor have been on some bandwagon against it or any other form of carry (Did I mention I'm a Native Texan?)  Since we are patting ourselves on the back, I contacted AG Bruning (who is a personal friend) the same day as Heineman signed the reciprocity into law and provided him the list of states which already did recognize.  He moved immediately to have Nebraska recognize said states....so "meh", there my "little" contribution to the cause.  4) I will respectfully ask Dan W/Admin to remove my post due to "hurt feelings", but again will not apologize for MY opinion.  5) IIRC I believe I've been told you are a Former (Retired?) Marine.  Thank you for your service.  I took care of my Marines when I was Camp Pendleton so even though we may disagree, always know I got your "six" regardless of where YOU comment where your head is....  Semper Fi....

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2014, 10:16:02 PM »
Well that escalated quickly.
It is highly likely the above post may offend you. I'm fine with that.

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2014, 10:41:20 PM »
I read somewhere that, to buy a gun is a right, to carry a gun is a responsibility.

When we carry, no matter how you chose to do it, we must act responsible and be considerate of others or we may turn people  against us.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington

Offline ILoveCats

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2014, 11:23:49 PM »
This guy's blog is always interesting. Some fascinating pics here of open carry in Israel, where people at burger joints don't faint at the sight of a weapon. On one hand I'm not sure America ever was anything like this in urban areas, but on the other hand I'm not sure how we got to the point where a few openly carried guns constitutes headline news.


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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2014, 12:15:29 AM »
One thing is for darn sure, wear your thick skin, before you load the NFOA page.   

I joined http://www.defensivecarry.com/index.php a few weeks ago.  I have 163 posts, and 166 likes received.  I post the same way on that site as I do here.   Every web forum gets a personality over time.  Some of the personality is showing in this thread.    In this forum, sometimes good people get driven out by folks that only want to bully, and maintain their good ole boy real-estate.

The people in this thread that are apologizing, you do not need to.  You are just fine.

As for the open carry event coming up.  Best wishes on that.   

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2014, 01:55:02 AM »
And a lot can be learned about an individual just by looking at his/her signature line.
If you don't stand for open carry then you are not 100% in support of the second amendment. The right to BEAR arms. That is a fact that you can not argue, no matter how many posts you have or how many likes you get.

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2014, 02:37:34 AM »
When This jackass got out of prison, should his 2nd Amendment rights been reinstated?


This moron, and his kin, are responsible for about 2 million dollars worth of crime and court related costs over a couple of generations.

Here is the shotgun his family gave him as a getting out of jail present.  Are you OK with that?

I am not OK with it.  I am damn angry, Andrea Kruger and three other people were killed, because this guy was out and about, killing people.

Here is one face gone, a family destroyed, and no I am not 100% in favor of anyone on the streets having guns.

Here is the last thing Andrea Kruger ever saw.

This is the business end of Nikko Jenkins shotgun

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2014, 03:11:08 AM »
This guy has a couple issues.   I also have a couple of issues with him.

He has loaded guns in his home, not locked up in a gun safe.  Just sitting in a closet.   That is real safe (pun intended) 

He is claiming to have PTSD, so much so, he cannot cope with daily issues sometimes.  Does this preclude him from filling out a 4473?

I find this to be a very interesting video about open carry in Texas.   Are the Texas Mothers afraid of guns, or this loose cannon?

Is this what open carry is about in Nebraska?  If so, one woman talking to the group at 45 seconds into the tape, is one reaction we as gun owners are going to encounter when meeting the public.   I want no part of such a show.   Frankly, I am with her, in her comment to the group.

As a group, I do not see what looks to be any training in the handling of guns.  Maybe, but it looks like people that have rights, and not responsibilities. 

Now watch videos about daily life in Switzerland in relations to long guns.  Much more humble, more focus on why, and the necessity of duty.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:21:34 AM by Gary »

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2014, 08:29:56 AM »
One thing is for darn sure, wear your thick skin, before you load the NFOA page.   

Meh... I doubt people are really getting so worked up over it they can't sleep.  Verbal sparring as they type is one thing, but I'm sure it would be a polite conversation face-to-face.  At least I'd like to think that.  The opinions are not THAT divergent, and various parties are touching on various good points.

- One good perspective is that pro-gun groups shouldn't drag unsuspecting(*) businesses into a political fight because we might end up with egg on our face and a "victory" for the hoplophobes.   (* That's the key word in the sentence.)

- Another good perspective is that you can't let a handful of shrill hoplophobes push you around.  A lot of the facebook comments of "I'll never eat there again!" were from people who don't even live in the city.  You can't make a cultural change -- or even maintain the status quo -- if you cater to the most radical outliers on the social bell curve.

- And finally another good point by Cdog (below) was largely ignored.  The messaging and branding of these things could be better controlled.  First, STOP organizing events on Facebook where shill "likers" are lurking and waiting to rally the radical fringe.  Second, the idea of some well-drafted "talking points" is a good one.  PA people never go before the camera without their MAPs (must air points) ready to go.  When someone asks you a question unrelated to your MAPs, you "bridge" from the question to the best-related MAPs.  http://www.toastmasters.org/ToastmastersMagazine/ToastmasterArchive/2007/July/Articles/TalkingHeads.aspx  Maybe the point below is a good one and all the best perspectives from the different opinions here could be merged into MAPs.

I wonder if it would benefit to have a professionally written PR statement with some rebuttals of the boilerplate statements made by the anti-crowd. It would certainly be a good idea to have someone trained in PR and message-handling (ok, spin) be the spokesperson for the OC groups when approached by media. By presenting our message professionally with reasoned arguments, we stand a better chance of OC becoming more accepted. Having other members of an OC gathering refer any reporter's questions to the PR person would also allow a clearer and more concise delivery of the message. It may also be a good idea for PR people from NFOA and NOC (if such exist) to work together more closely - personally, I think just having a separate group for OC is divisive, since as Gunscribe says the NFOA should already be handling this aspect of gun ownership.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 08:33:04 AM by feralcatkillr »
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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2014, 09:36:38 AM »
Quote from: Gary link=topic=12478.msg88866#[/quote
When This jackass got out of prison, should his 2nd Amendment rights been reinstated?


Once his parole and any other debt to society is paid and he isn't deemed mentally incompetent, yes. He never would have gotten that far, though. Being prohibited certainly didn't stop him in any way.

There are some things protected by the Constitution that we don't like or scare us. If we want it to have the power to protect us, we have to accept that.  Your opinions (or mine) should not be the measure of liberty. If that is the case, we will have none.

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2014, 09:44:59 AM »
I should add that there is a way to address the issue of violent offenders. Prohibiting them is not getting it done and pulling the teeth out of the Constitution isn't going to either!

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2014, 09:56:34 AM »
I am with Feralcat they need to get off facebook. I realize that it is a cheap way for a group to get organized and communicate but it is the easiest way for people to get information that you don't want them to have!

NFOA gets together for breakfast every month how many news paper interviews has the organization done at the breakfast? (Real Question) How many morning breakfast has the group had?(real question)

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2014, 10:56:18 AM »
We have been meeting for breakfast in Gretna for more than a year.
I have never seen a reporter there, but have seen plenty of politicians asking for votes.

Pants Up!  Don't Loot!

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2014, 10:57:05 AM »
Would the OP like to list the positive publicity or the names of places that have welcomed open carry after the "in your face" tactics? I don't know the answers but I am smart enough to realize when one thing isn't working it's time to try something else. Berating folks here for not agreeing with your opinion isn't a great way to gain support.

Now as for thanking the people who made concealed carry possible in Nebraska do I make the card out directly to you or were you part of a larger group?

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Re: I am a DOPE but let me remind you ...
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2014, 05:34:03 PM »
I should add that there is a way to address the issue of violent offenders. Prohibiting them is not getting it done and pulling the teeth out of the Constitution isn't going to either!

This !

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