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Author Topic: 1891 Argentine Mauser Carbines  (Read 3759 times)

Offline Wildgoose

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1891 Argentine Mauser Carbines
« on: September 01, 2014, 08:37:48 PM »
Cant believe summer is about over. Didn't get much done gun wise this year but I did pick up a couple of rifles I have had an itch for in the last few years. I was even lucky enough to get a chance to buy the very rifle that started my interest from the guy who let me shoot it some time back. ;D Great thanks to Mr. J. Both guns are Argentine Carbines one a cavalry model and the other an engineers model. The Argentine 7.65 X 43 cartridge is a bit of an odd ball and I found a few quirks loading for these guns but the results so far have been good. Considering the age and hard use they have seen the accuracy they can still produce is amazing. The quality of these old weapons is part of why I find them so much fun to collect and shoot.
Both groups were shot with the same hand load using Hornady .312 dia. 150 grain SP bullets and RL15 powder. Range was 75 yards. Took me awhile to find a good sight picture as the sights on these guns are really hard for me to see. It must be the age of the sights, couldn't be the age of the eyes using them. :laugh:

Offline gsd

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Re: 1891 Argentine Mauser Carbines
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 10:04:17 PM »
You already know where I stand when it comes to the Argy's! These are fantastic rifles that have rarely seen the abuse visited upon other milsurps.

Which reminds me...I haven gottenine out for a while. Gonna have to remedy that.
It is highly likely the above post may offend you. I'm fine with that.