Do a you tube search of bill gates giving a talk on vaccines. That will open your eyes. The 1% do not want 300 million Americans or 7 billion on the planet. You tube search Georga Cap Stones also.
Looks to me, things are pretty much in place to get exactly what they want.
Perhaps you knew that the US Dept of HHS and the CDC have a patent application on a version of the Ebola virus? I document it here:, it has been reported this evening that the nurse in Texas wore FULL protective gear. Here is an
article about the deadliness of the virus, with a picture of Dr. Kent Brantly wearing the protective gear he wore at the case management center on the campus of ELWA Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. IF Brantly can get infected while wearing THAT gear, which completely covers the skin, face and airways, we are in SERIOUS TROUBLE, just like the nurse in Texas. That nurse's home and dog have been quarantined, and they are trying to trace everyone she's had contact with during the last 20 days. That probably includes all the hospital staff on her floor, and the folks that THEY came in contact with. That article also shows a diagram of the Ebola structure. Those "Y" shaped spikes are what the virus uses to invade cells beneath the skin and surrounding blood vessels. the Mzapp vaccine was made using those spikes, sans the virus body, to create anti-bodies in the leaf of a tobacco plant, from which the anti-bodies were extracted.
By allowing or importing a disease into this country that the administration knew was as dangerous as it was (they applied for a patent in 2008), along with the NSA spying, fast&furious, the IRS debacle, the no-knock warrant-less entries and searches, illegal swat raids, the open border, etc....., it adds to the suspicion that the Obama administration is doing everything it can to create a circumstance to justify a nation-wide declaration of martial law and thus suspend the Constitution and probably the elections in 2016. Remember what happen in Boston when, because of the "emergency", the police and national guard suspended the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments to go door-to-door treating people like Jews in Warsaw. Now imagine what normal, freedom loving police would do if they were told to ignore the Constitution because of the Ebola emergency.