Candidates are working to make certain that people get to the polls, you can be of assistance in that.
Have some free time this afternoon or evening, Laura Ebke is trying to reach 6000 potential voters to make certain they get to the polls tomorrow. This is a call from home event so all you need is a computer to get the phone numbers and call script from, you will also note that if you reached the voter or left a message, and a cell phone with the ability to make calls in Nebraska (I recommend free unlimited Long Distance but most of us have the as standard anymore).
So if you want to try to make a couple calls to help Laura out you can send her a note or contact me and I will get the two of you communicating.
This may be available for more candidates as well so if Laura has all her calling covered let me know and I'll see if someone else can use your efforts.
And don't forget to share the NFOA-PAF candidate endorsement slate: