I wanted to put up a quick post about NFA items in Nebraska to answer a few questions that I hear regularly and maybe clear up some misconceptions.
First, Nebraska is almost entirely open to Title II weapons. This means that individual residents of NE my own any transferable machinegun, silencer, short rifle, short shotgun, any other weapon, and most destructive devices. In NE you may also use your title II weapon to do anything that is otherwise legal, eg hunt with your silenced rifle.
There is no "class 3 license" required for an individual to own a title weapon. The weapons transfer to individuals on tax paid form 4 (or form 5 under special cicumstances).
You can make your own NFA weapons (excluding new mgs) using a form 1.
Machineguns are divided into 3 groups by NFA regulation. Transferable guns are those made in the US before 1986 or imported before 1968. Any individual can own these. PreSample guns are those imported between 1968 and 1986. These guns are restriced to dealers, but a dealer may retain them after a license is surrendered. PostSample guns are those made or imported after 1986. These are restricted to active dealers, law enforcement entities, and govt (there are some contractor exceptions).
The transferable guns are the expensive mgs that you see advertised. The reason a transferable M16 $10K+ is that there is a limited number and high demand. There is not a legal option for an individual to own the $1K M16 you see advertised to dealers or LE.
A common comment that I hear is that the ATF can come search your house anytime if you buy NFA. This is untrue. You sacrifice no rights by submitting a form 4, you are in fact excercising your rights.
Just a few comments to gloss the subject. The details of NFA ownership in NE may be addressed in the future.
If you have any questions pertaining to purchase, please email at chad@thegunshopne.com