If they do, then the US will probably reciprocate the fee as a visa issuance fee. The US Department of State has a fun policy that we match all the issuance fees and visa validity limitations that are placed by that country on our citizens who travel abroad.
Thus, whenever Banana Republic A complains and asks our diplomatic corps why we limit their citizens' visas to three entries, six month validity and a $100 additional issuance fee, but Banana Republic B citizens get five year unlimited entry no-issuance-fee visas (if otherwise qualified of course) we can smack them back and say "because that's what you charge our American tourists".
Then they ***** and moan that Americans are all rich and can afford it. Then we say, sorry, that's our policy and if they want the fees eliminated, the ball is in their court. Then you order another round of gins and tonic, for the anti-malarial attributes of the quinine, of course. Ahhhh, good times!