So how does all this improve gun laws in our state? We can get involved so deeply in arguing about this or that tree that we lose sight of the forest. We have property rights and we have a right to bear arms; can we all agree on that? As I understand it, we can decide who comes on our property, as long as wanting someone off our property is not an expression of thoughtcrime, as defined by liberalism, America's official state religion.
I think we should be aggressive in ending the illegal edicts that have been imposed by the criminal gang in our statehouse. Some think we should be timid and careful not to upset those who are ignorant about the issue and are led by anti-gun bigots, but to me that's a losing strategy. We should approach the issue as ones who have truth and the law on our side, because we do. And we have the experience of other states that have been obeying the law to base our arguments in. There is an old saying that the best defense is a good offense, and nowhere is that more true than in politics.
So how could our state laws be stripped of the illegal edicts that corrupt them?
*No permit should be needed to exercise a Constitutional right, especially when an amendment to the preamble of our state constitution reinforces that right. The law is the law, whether or not Ernie Chambers likes it. He is no more a king than Obama, and he is not above the law. And neither is the rest of the state legislature. If they refuse to obey the law, they are criminals, and citizens should not put up with their lawlessness.
*If we have no choice but to submit to this illegal licensing system, the license should be a concealed WEAPON permit, not a concealed handgun permit. making it a handgun only permit is insane, and serves only to give the impression that the permit is bestowing a privilege instead of complying with the written law. Also, the state has no legal right to make us pay to exercise that right.
*How about this: since we have to prove we are not guilty and pass tests to get this license, let it also be a Class III license.
*There is no valid reason for there to be a duty to inform; anyone the officer has a reason to fear will not inform him no matter what the law says. There can be a recommendation that informing the officer is a nice thing to do, but it should not be a requirement.
*There should be no state-imposed gun free zones, and the state should not cater to anti-gun nitwits by throwing its weight behind their no guns signs. If certain business owners want to be bigots that's fine; I don't want to do business with them anyway, but the state should not give legitimacy to their intolerance and back it up with its power.
No city or any government entity, including all who act as agents of government, should be able to impose any restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms that go beyond what the state requires. That means no laws against things like switchblades. And no registration, unless a citizens wants to voluntarily register in case of theft. There should be criminal penalties for those who serve in government that impose on the right to keep and bear arms of any law-abiding citizen.
Are there any patriots in the new legislature who would be willing to begin an effort to turn our state government into a legal body instead of the criminal gang that it is?