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Calling Coyotes

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Any experienced coyote callers here?  They're starting to overrun our farm and I need to clean house.  What calls do you use?  What techniques?  Anyone using any of the smart phone apps successfully?

I shot coyotes while riding the combine as a kid but have no experience calling them.


O Joy!!!   Calling Coyotes.   (Then shooting them, of course.....)
Just Thinking About it Gives Chills and Thrills...   On the stand, I'll take a coyote over a deer, every time.   Don't have to gut it out and bring it home.

Two Main Ways:
1.  Critter/Prey Calls
Coyotes want to eat.   All the time.  Especially in April-June when they are raising pups.  So any kind of squeaker call, distressed rabbit call, bird-in-trouble call will work all year long.  Electronic calls are good, but you gotta lug 'em around.  Even lightweight electronic calls are one more thing to haul.

2.  Coyote Calls
>Challenge call:
Says I'm the New Coyote in your territory; time for you to move on.   Brings up very alert coyote, ready to fight or run.
>I'm Here Call:
Says I'm just a Coyote, checking it at my leisure, usually about evening when the deer are coming out.   Often brings an answering call.   But usually works only late in the day.
>Female Coyote in Heat:
Works very well in February during the mating season.   The coyotes are running the creek beds and not as alert as usual.  Especially the males.  Will also bring females who don't want breeding area invaded.

Go to the web and look up the "Bucking the Odds" videos.   Those two guys (Lance Benson and Uriah Wurst) slaughter coyotes.   They have over 30 great videos about coyote shooting.   They use electronic calls with a MOJO Super Critter wiggler.

Geez.... Now you've got me all worked up to get out and sit still in this Godawful weather!!


Does anyone happen to know if they're worth much this year?

Does coyote hunting require a permit or can you just hunt them at will?

Is it just me or did anyone else think "Not hard, as long as they are carrying their phones and you have the number."? Sorry, sometimes my mind just goes there.


If you can produce one or several of the 40 different fox calls, such sound will also bring the coyotes in.

[Conversely, I guess if you can produce a reasonable facsimile wolf call, they will clear out.]   After all, who has ever heard a wolf these days??

But then, I really dunno.   Just speculating.



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