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Author Topic: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th  (Read 2642 times)

Offline JTH

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PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:09:17 AM »
Precision Response Training will be holding a CCW Lifestyle class on February 7th! Come take the class!

Do you carry? Do you actually know what carry method/mode works best for you? How much gun you can conceal easily?

Do you know the use of force laws, and have you ever actually made decisions about use of force under pressure? Have you participated in scenario training regarding your concealed carry?

What is your actual draw speed? How much distance from an assailant do you need to make effective use of your CCW?

Carrying a concealed firearm is a _lifestyle_ choice---you don't simply get the permit, grab a gun and holster, and wear it around. If you are going to carry an effective weapon for self-defense on a daily basis, you WILL need to adjust your lifestyle.

And that is what the CCW Lifestyle class is all about.

See the class description at http://precisionresponse.4t.com/CCW101.html for details, then go to http://precisionresponse.4t.com/Schedule.html to register for the class.

Note: This is NOT the state-mandated CCW course required to obtain a permit. This class actually helps you figure out how to carry a concealed weapon, how to use it effectively, and gives you practice on when to do it. (If you want the state CCW course, we've got one of those scheduled on February 28th.)

This is a one-day class, $95, with registration and payment available online.

(If interested in what other people have said about it, here's an AAR from the local IDPA director: http://nebraskafirearms.org/forum/index.php/topic,12586.msg89823.html#msg89823 )
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 06:10:09 AM »
Good class, I've taken it and recommend it!!!

Offline JTH

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 04:38:12 PM »
Good class, I've taken it and recommend it!!!

Thanks, Chris.  :)

(I'd also recommend Chris's "Legal Aspects of Lethal Force" class, for those who haven't made it yet.  If you don't know about the current case law regarding use of force for self-defense in Nebraska but you carry a concealed weapon---you should take his class.)

Class is currently about half-full, so if you are interested, get yourself registered. 

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 12:34:47 AM »
Did any of those guys on facebook ever sign up?  I was trying....like a used car salesman!  (referring to my tactics not the product)   ;D
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 12:19:33 PM »
Did any of those guys on facebook ever sign up?  I was trying....like a used car salesman!  (referring to my tactics not the product)   ;D

Not yet. 

This happens pretty frequently---lots of people hear about a class, get all interested, say they want to take it, but when it comes time to actually sign up, suddenly they are too tired that weekend, or "we'll catch the next one" or "My wife/husband needs me at home for housework" (a month in advance, apparently) or a myriad of other excuses.

Some excuses are valid.  But many are people who think they already are competent, even if it is something they have never done before, don't want to potentially be embarrassed (classes can be stressful that way), and for whom actually knowing self-defense isn't as much of a priority for them as they say it is.

Lots of people are like that. What they SAY and what they DO end up being pretty different.

It does mean that the people who actually SIGN UP are pretty cool, though.  Tends to be a pretty effective filter for people who really want to learn, and care about effective self-defense.
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 01:24:01 AM »
When I used to take calls from people interested in parachuting lessons, I would tell the organizer (caller) you can take the number of people you have and divide it in half, then that will be your group plus or minus one.  They would tell me "No...all these people are serious.  They want to jump!".  By golly if my prediction wasn't spot on, and the organizer would be baffled.  "They SAID they were going to be here!".

Of course jumping out of a plane may be a little more of a deterrent than a firearms class where they might be embarrassed.  They are more worried about soiling themselves or even worse, bouncing (which is skydiver vernacular for dying).

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 01:06:18 AM »
Are there any other dates set for this class beyond this weekend? I am defiantly interested but have some work commitments I can't really get out of for this weekend.

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 07:49:08 AM »
(classes can be stressful that way)

Thus why I am pulling an "all-nighter" studying up.  Coffee pot ready, Pincus DVD loaded up for inspiration, NVGs mounted, SIRT pistol with fresh batteries ....  BAH BOOM !!!

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 09:44:03 AM »
Thus why I am pulling an "all-nighter" studying up.  Coffee pot ready, Pincus DVD loaded up for inspiration, NVGs mounted, SIRT pistol with fresh batteries ....  BAH BOOM !!!

Kobayashi Maru scenario for you, then.

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 03:24:36 PM »
Are there any other dates set for this class beyond this weekend? I am defiantly interested but have some work commitments I can't really get out of for this weekend.
We'll be scheduling a couple more throughout the year.  At the moment, we are just too busy to schedule any others through May.  There will probably be another in fall sometime, then another in early winter.
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 03:25:04 PM »
Still 2 slots left in the class, if anyone is interested. 
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2015, 03:39:35 PM »
We'll be scheduling a couple more throughout the year.  At the moment, we are just too busy to schedule any others through May.  There will probably be another in fall sometime, then another in early winter.

Thanks, I will keep on the lookout for some in the fall!

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2015, 08:11:35 AM »
AAR from CCW Lifestyle Class:
This past Saturday I attended Precision Response Training's CCW Lifestyle Class directed by Thomas Howard and assisted by his nimble assistant Ardena (Ardie).  To sum it up ....OUTSTANDING course.  I think it important to share a little personal background for the reason I took this class.  I've had a permit since 2007 (#5 in fact).  I've taken numerous national and local firearms classes for the past 20 years.  I, myself am a NSP CHP instructor, compete in IDPA, other matches, blah blah blah ... ad nauseum (but I don't have a Tactical Beard :))  ....  my point, I feel STRONGLY that those who own and carry firearms can NEVER have enough training.  I will go so far as to say one is a SIMPLETON if they think they are "ready for action" once they've obtained their CHP or carry their gun like a "talisman".   This is one nagging concept I leave each of my CHP classes with ... are my "graduates" going to better themselves or simply feel "secure" in their permit.   So on to the report ....
The class began with a HIGH priority on SAFETY.  This included a pat down each time we left and re-entered the training area.  I'm down with that ....  The course included both didactic (that means lecture for those of you in Rio Linda)to hands-on scenario training.  There was discussion on what I would sum up as principles of CCW including dress, equipment, and most importantly mind-set.  Furthermore, the topics covered included when "Lethal Force" is justified.  FACTS and LOGIC were paramount .... and there was plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion ... all of which was really good.  The four us (nice class size as he maxes out to 6) moved into the training rooms where we spent time drawing our HG from CONCEALED on the timer.  This included facing a target and getting on said target within the par time.  This time was lowered to 1 1/2 secs ultimately.... wow was this enlightening.  We spent time mimicking what has been called the "Tueller Drill" (though this is a misnomer you get the idea).  One of us would stand at one end of 15 foot long room and WALK slowly towards our partner who would then draw his weapon from CONCEALED and "shoot" us (with safety barrel or SIRT gun of course).  That slow walk was then changed to a casual pace.  Folks, 15 feet gets to be a pretty short distance and that is no stress involved. 
In the afternoon, we moved onto scenario based training.  Now I've taken courses involving such and been "through the shoot house".  However, if one considers it, most of those are based on LEO encounters, stories, or what THEY may face.  These class scenarios centered on what the average CHP citizen will most likely encounter.  In short, VERY thought provoking and I did a LOT of pondering on my drive home.  What was most instructive was Thomas' discussion on options I'd never really considered or read about.  The STRESS factor was really an important component as it really made you consider "how prepared am I". 
To that end and summing it up (and yes I am sure I am leaving a number of things out), this class is MUST take.  The fee of $95 is a DEAL.  Thomas is one of the highest caliber instructors that I've ever had teach me.  This includes even from my real job 12 years post college education/residency etc.  He presents things in an easy to grasp concept and leaves you challenged to learn more on the topic and reflect on such as well.  Again LOGIC based.  I am looking forward to the second course on this topic.  Folks, we are privileged to have this high caliber training in our own backyards.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 11:35:25 AM by bullit »

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2015, 07:36:56 PM »
My fingers are crossed that CCW 201 will be added to the schedule  ;D

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2015, 07:49:08 PM »
I was also in this class. I have gone to several shooting skills classes, but this was my first class of this type.

The scenarios section was the most eye opening for me. The mistakes you make when presented with so many variables are numerous. Additionally, your memory of what actually happened is amazingly hampered by just that little bit of stress.

If you carry a gun, you need to take this class.

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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2015, 09:02:34 PM »
As a battle scarred veteran of many of PRT's offerings, I heartily recommend all those who carry get in there and get signed up!  Be prepared for an enlightening experience. 
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Re: PRT: CCW Lifestyle class, February 7th
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2015, 10:39:57 AM »
The scenarios section was the most eye opening for me. The mistakes you make when presented with so many variables are numerous. Additionally, your memory of what actually happened is amazingly hampered by just that little bit of stress.
It is pretty astonishing how just a little stress can cause issues with speech and memory--and how often our brain can just completely forget things or worse yet make up things under stress.

And attempting to make decisions in somewhat-real-life situations is a big change from range practice or an IDPA/USPSA stage. Just the fact that we have to TALK to people makes it ridiculously more difficult.

Thanks for the good words, folks.   I'm glad the class is giving you some good practice and some good things to think about to make you more effective at keeping yourself safe.

...we've scheduled another CCW Lifestyle class for May 9th.  :)  And yes, I'm working on getting a CCW 201 class on the schedule for late summer/early fall.
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