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Author Topic: SKS Owner Question  (Read 4753 times)

Offline Ronvandyn

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SKS Owner Question
« on: January 22, 2015, 09:21:21 PM »
I have a Yugo SKS and bought some Tapco polymer magazines for it this week, 20 round mags.  I have heard both good and bad about all of the after market mags for the SKS, bad mostly from those who believe that they can just buy and mag and like magic its going to fit like a glove and work like a dream.  Obviously thats not the case, most after market mags will need some work to get them to work reliably as I understand it. 

So here is the question.  If you have owned an SKS and added after market mags to the kit, what tools did you have to use to get them operating properly?  Do some mags work better out of the package than others? 

I have both the original wood and a polymer stock for the weapon, but I like the polymer better for shooting (the furniture is great for looks). 

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Re: SKS Owner Question
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2015, 09:52:42 PM »
In case you were unaware, by changing to a "high cap mag" you must now make the rifle comply with 922r regulations by installing enough other US made parts so as to have no more than 10 Imported parts on your rifle.


My SKS's have original 10 round mags as originally designed, so I cannot help you with your question. I have heard that the Tapco mags are the least troublesome of the aftermarket SKS mags. YMMV
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Offline newfalguy101

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Re: SKS Owner Question
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2015, 10:27:57 PM »
After market "duckbill" mags are file to fit, and that is all I have ever used, same as with the mags for my SAR-3 (.223 AK )

just go SLOOOW and use some kind of paint pen to see where the mag is contacting when it shouldn't.

Easy peasy, just takes a bit of time.

For clarification, file the MAGAZINE only, modify the cheap part....
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 10:42:20 PM by newfalguy101 »

Offline Lmbass14

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Re: SKS Owner Question
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 09:00:33 AM »
I own several sks, Yugo, Chinese, Russian, and all I can say, is enjoy spending your hard earned money, do whatever you want it's you firearm, cause eventually, you'll come back to way it's designed, or sell it cause it will not perform like it's designed.

I can pretty much garen-damn-tee-ya you'll have issues of either the mag not staying in or not feeding properly. 

newfalguy and Rick are spot on.  Go slower than slow.

Yes, I'm a purist.  These weapons were designed this way for a reason, and out of all the years firing them, only had 1 pop primer.  'Nuf said.

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Offline Wildgoose

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Re: SKS Owner Question
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2015, 10:41:49 AM »
I own several sks, Yugo, Chinese, Russian, and all I can say, is enjoy spending your hard earned money, do whatever you want it's you firearm, cause eventually, you'll come back to way it's designed, or sell it cause it will not perform like it's designed.

I can pretty much garen-damn-tee-ya you'll have issues of either the mag not staying in or not feeding properly. 

newfalguy and Rick are spot on.  Go slower than slow.

Yes, I'm a purist.  These weapons were designed this way for a reason, and out of all the years firing them, only had 1 pop primer.  'Nuf said.

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I agree. The SKS is best left as is. If one desires a detachable hi-cap mag fed weapon in 7.62x39 best to go with an AK or AR platform arm.

Offline AWick

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Re: SKS Owner Question
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2015, 04:10:12 PM »

Out of all the years firing them, only had 1 pop primer.  'Nuf said.

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I managed to go a mere 200 rounds before I popped a primer and threw the firing pin through the back of the bolt carrier... (it didnt shoot all the way out and the cover on the back kept everything in.

I changed all the necessary parts to comply with 922r. I'm contemplating taking it back to original but haven't replaced the bolt carrier yet.

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