I'm partial to Kershaw. You get a lot of knife for the money.
If you are looking for a Kershaw EDC, check out a blemished knife. They are way cheaper, carry "XXXX" on the blade, but the finish is very high (especially for EDC). http://kershawguy.com/products-page/kershaw/blur-serrated-1670blkst-blem/
If you are looking for a Kershaw EDC, check out a blemished knife. They are way cheaper, carry "XXXX" on the blade, but the finish is very high (especially for EDC). http://kershawguy.com/products-page/kershaw/blur-serrated-1670blkst-blem/Nice! I have a Kershaw pocket knife in the drawer from 20 years ago with a broken blade. I was thinking I need to get it fixed. It is actually the second of that knife with a broken blade as it broke soon after buying the first one and they replaced it. Then, shortly after that I hit it on some concrete and broke it again.
for a 'tool' I carry a http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gerber%20eab&sprefix=gerber+e%2Caps Its less than $10 at menards, ($5 on sale) and the blades are replaceable. clips to my pocket, opens with one hand. surprizingly comfortable, even though it doesn't look like it would be.I bought several when they went on sale, so if it gets lost or borrowed its no big deal.
for a 'tool' I carry a http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gerber%20eab&sprefix=gerber+e%2Caps Its less than $10 at menards...
I carry one similar to this one... different generation but similar. I've had mine for three years and wear it every day. I've abused the heck out of it, but it still sharpens up nicely. http://www.amazon.com/Smith-Wesson-SWMP5L-Linerlock-Generation/dp/B0037H29XE/ref=sr_1_31?ie=UTF8&qid=1424912513&sr=8-31&keywords=smith+and+wesson+knife