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Author Topic: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!  (Read 3844 times)

Offline DanClrk51

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Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« on: March 22, 2015, 06:01:36 PM »
Senator Ernie Chambers' bill to abolish the death penalty in Nebraska has been given a yes vote by all 8 members of the judiciary committee and has been placed on General File!

Really?!! What is going on down there in Lincoln! I can't believe that conservative senators are actually putting their names to this!

And the media has been silent about the bill having advanced to the floor! If anyone can find a link please post.

Here's a link to the status of the bill:


So far Senators that have signed on as cosponsors:

LB 268 Senator Ernie Chambers Priority Bill

Senator Coash (Republican)
Senator Garrett (Republican)
Senator Ebke (Republican)
Senator Davis (Republican)
Senator Kolterman (Republican)
Senator Krist (Republican)
Senator McCollister (Republican)
Senator Williams (Republican)
Senator Campbell (Republican)
Senator Lindstrom (Republican)
Senator Pansing Brooks (Democrat)
Senator Crawford (Democrat)
Senator Hansen (Democrat)

So far the only ones fighting this are Republican Senators Beau McCoy, Bill Kintner who have filed several amendments to block or slow this down! Kudos to them. I'm really disappointed with the folks that have put their names to this. I'm sure the majority of people in this state do not support a repeal of the death penalty, nor does the Republican Party!

Offline DanClrk51

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2015, 06:02:21 PM »
Folks if you want this stopped we need to write and call our senators and let them know how angry you are that they are actually considering a repeal of the death penalty!

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 06:33:18 PM »
Personally, I don't see it as an NFOA issue. I'm anti-death penalty for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I don't the same government that is incompetent in so many other areas to be in the business of legally killing its own citizens.

Offline greg58

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2015, 08:15:37 PM »
I would bet it is a little gamesmanship with the Cobra, if someone co-sponsors his bill, maybe he won't oppose their bill.
Lindstrom says he had a change of heart when he listened to testimony.
Nebraska is not good at carrying out capitol punishment. Maybe the State could sub it out to Texas!!

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2015, 08:43:27 PM »
 Abolish? hell no!  we need a bill to set a limit of 1 year delay in the death sentence,  Then kill them, I don't care how, if they don't like the drugs, shoot them
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Offline Kendahl

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2015, 09:09:06 PM »
Personally, I don't see it as an NFOA issue. I'm anti-death penalty for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I don't the same government that is incompetent in so many other areas to be in the business of legally killing its own citizens.

Agreed. I have no problem with the death penalty as long as it is absolutely certain that the accused person really is the perpetrator. I have more confidence in the judgment of a terrified homeowner, with a phone to 911 in one hand and a gun in the other, than I do in the competence and integrity of the judicial system to investigate a capital crime and find the actual perpetrator. We have three examples of such injustices here in Nebraska.

There are the six from Beatrice who were convicted of a murder someone else committed. It's a good thing they weren't executed. At least, they can be compensated for their ordeal. A million or more each, so that they can live out the rest of their ruined lives in comfort and security, would not, in my opinion, be excessive.

The second example is the two guys, one of limited intelligence, who were wrongfully accused of the Stock murders in Murdock. Even after the real murderers were found (two kids from out of state), the deputy sheriff and state patrolman investigating the murders wouldn't let go of their theory that their first two suspects were guilty. It looks like the two guys will make out like bandits. Good for them.

Finally, there is former CSI David Kofoed who was convicted of planting evidence. He was caught only because he escalated to whoppers (undegraded DNA from a sample that had sat a the bottom of a dumpster for six months) that were beyond belief. The blood sample he "found" in one of the original Stock murder suspect's car encouraged the investigators to continue pressuring those suspects. CSIs in other jurisdictions have been convicted of planting evidence.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2015, 12:11:23 PM »
We need to use it more, a lot more, versus abolishing it.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 02:06:21 PM »
While I do not disagree with any of the moral or societal needs statements I would like to point out, Nebraska has no legal means to carry out the death penalty.  In a purely  economic sense it would be less expensive for us to go to a life without parole system that what we currently have.  The court costs (fighting to keep the death penalty and those convicted) and extra spent on death row housing are financially unsustainable.  Unfortunately at this time there is no legal means available to execute someone, not only on the books in Nebraska but no means that could be proposed that the courts would allow.

Offline Wymore Wrangler

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2015, 07:36:06 PM »
If we want to use the death penalty as a deterrent in this state, bring back public hangings, simple to do and quite cost effective...

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2015, 06:05:38 PM »
Personally, I don't see it as an NFOA issue. I'm anti-death penalty for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I don't the same government that is incompetent in so many other areas to be in the business of legally killing its own citizens.

I agree.  I have no moral opposition to the death penalty - IMO, plenty of people deserve it.  I just don't trust our government or our justice system to get it right.

Offline Ronvandyn

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2015, 09:52:39 PM »
Personally, I'd rather give them 2 years to run through all the appeals process's and additional evidence gathering the defense needs.  On day 731, a .22 to the head.  Yes, there are issues with the justice system getting it right on occasion, but that is what the checks and balances of the judicial process are supposed to be about.  "Beyond a reasonable doubt" has meaning, and in capital cases even more so.  The death penelty should only be considered in "No doubt" cases such as the scum that killed Andrea Kruger (I refuse to say his name) and others like it. 
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Offline DanClrk51

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2015, 06:27:53 PM »
Personally, I'd rather give them 2 years to run through all the appeals process's and additional evidence gathering the defense needs.  On day 731, a .22 to the head.  Yes, there are issues with the justice system getting it right on occasion, but that is what the checks and balances of the judicial process are supposed to be about.  "Beyond a reasonable doubt" has meaning, and in capital cases even more so.  The death penelty should only be considered in "No doubt" cases such as the scum that killed Andrea Kruger (I refuse to say his name) and others like it. 


Offline johncavh

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2015, 06:35:37 PM »

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2015, 06:59:57 PM »
Have you seen the price of 22 ammo lately?

Well, someone had to say it.

Offline Ronvandyn

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2015, 08:15:24 PM »
Have you seen the price of 22 ammo lately?

Well, someone had to say it.

LOL, bought a box of 550 from wally-world a few weeks ago, cost me like $22.00.  A deal given prices I have seen in the last year or so.  Its getting better, slowly.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2015, 07:44:13 AM »
LOL, bought a box of 550 from wally-world a few weeks ago, cost me like $22.00.  A deal given prices I have seen in the last year or so.  Its getting better, slowly.
Lucky guy you! I miss my cheap federal Anne golden bullets!

Offline abbafandr

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2015, 09:14:28 PM »
Lucky guy you! I miss my cheap federal Anne golden bullets!
I must be lucky, got some winchester , fioçchi , federal, CCI and Remington.   Now just need  some matches to shoot it.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2015, 09:26:24 PM »
I must be lucky, got some winchester , fioçchi , federal, CCI and Remington.   Now just need  some matches to shoot it.
I wish I had the time to go creep on Wal-Mart in the morning. I was at the deep south Wal-Mart in Lincoln and they had a sign up that ammo was sold only 8am-till like 4pm. Which is all work day... Guess it's up for grabs for the retired guys and third shifters.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2015, 03:32:08 PM »
I've gone a few rounds with a certain former former chairman of the Douglas County Republican Party on this issue.

For those interested in educating themselves, the United States only had three posthumous pardons of executed prisoners in the history of the death penalty.

I don't trust the government any more than the next guy but to suggest that wrongful executions are a significant issue grossly inflates the issue.

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Re: Bill to Abolish the Death Penalty Advances!
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2015, 08:59:10 PM »
Why is it that we like to say "what part of shall not be infringed don't you understand?" when the government wants to enact gun laws, but we ignore the references to being deprived of "life liberty or property" in the same constitution? If the government wrongfully deprives one person of their right to life, that is significant.