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Author Topic: Carry with a herniated disc  (Read 7194 times)

Offline Kendahl

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2015, 09:06:31 AM »
I finally figured out what works for it: Naproxin. Lots of it.
Discuss Naproxen with your doctor before taking it for more than a few days. It works but can have nasty side effects.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2015, 09:43:24 AM »
This might be a stupid question but have you seen a physical therapist? I sprained a ligament in my back and messed my neck up pretty good, both within the last year. I tried a chiropractor with no relief. Went to Excel and, both times, was told that everything I was doing to try and make it better was actually making it worse. After a couple of weeks, doing what they suggested, I was 80% better. Within 4-5 weeks, was back to 100%.

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Offline Mudinyeri

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #22 on: April 05, 2015, 03:20:09 PM »
I also have a herniated disc between the L4 & L5.  My pain radiates to the left (fortunately, I guess).  Carrying on my right bothers me slightly but not so much that I can't relieve the pain/pressure by getting up and walking around periodically.  So, switching to the opposite side might help.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2015, 05:14:11 PM »
Discuss Naproxen with your doctor before taking it for more than a few days. It works but can have nasty side effects.

I have.  He even prescribes some more mgs than OTC.  It doesn't seem to bother me but it knocks out the back problems in no more than three or four days anyway.
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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2015, 05:53:12 PM »
"I carry loose change in my left pocket and keys in right to try to balance the weight of my pants."

I didn't see in your comments where you carry your wallet...   

I had L4/L5 surgery in Aug 2013.  Disc was bulged out to the right and pressing on the primary nerve bundle into the right hip and right leg.  I had reached the point that I could not sit for more than a few minutes and the day when we went to the surgery, I was laying down in the back seat.  After surgery, and a few months rehab, things are much better but I do watch every move.

The reason I asked about the wallet...   That was one of the first few questions the surgeon asked.  A man's wallet in the back pocket is a problem waiting to happen.  The pocket you keep it in tends to 'cock' the hip axis up on that side and put pressure on the other.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2015, 06:37:33 PM »
Some form of tactical pants with pockets on the legs helps, I usually carry wallet on right leg pocket, a steady diet of glucosamine is necessary for me.
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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2015, 09:10:32 PM »
Went to walmart last night.  Picked up 3 sets of suspenders.  Price was between $7 and $10 (edit: each)

2, by 'George' have the metal teeth grabby things.

1, by 'Dickies' that has plastic clips that hook under the belt.

The kitty approves of the collection heh.

Menards does indeed carry suspenders.  They range price, so a heads up.  I did NOT pick any of these up though.

There were things like these which are WAY overkill for casual office attire:


But, these didn't seem too bad (and were $15):


Note that they're attachment hook things -- you'd prolly have to use belt loops as your anchor point for the 'tool' based suspenders.

Have I tried them out yet ? No.  I slept till 7PM this evening (!!!!) ... and am at work piddling around a bit.  I'll possibly try them in a bit or when I get home.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 09:46:49 PM by unfy »
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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2015, 09:13:05 PM »
For those wondering, I also have a lumbar support roll thing that I keep in the truck for the last 3 years.  This thing is down right awesome.  I love it to no end.

The physical therapist sold it to me, and... I've seen it at a medical supply store.  It has walkers, canes, diff pillows, toilet accessories, etc.  Can't recall the name, but there's a few around the Omaha area so.... yeah.  The place I saw it was near 50th and L by TO Haas / Papa Murphy's.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2015, 09:42:48 PM »
Quote from: sjwsti
This might be a stupid question but have you seen a physical therapist?

First thing I attempted years ago. It did indeed help.  Currently, something that's... kind of a ... 'press up' is my bread and butter:

The top position alone does wonders, the lower one is a bit rougher but also good heh.  The key would be relax the back muscles so that you get the pelvic tilt and flexion (or reflexion?) in the lower back.

Quote from: mudinyeri
I also have a herniated disc between the L4 & L5.  My pain radiates to the left (fortunately, I guess).  Carrying on my right bothers me slightly but not so much that I can't relieve the pain/pressure by getting up and walking around periodically.  So, switching to the opposite side might help.

So my thoughts about carrying on the opposite side might workout indeed.

Quote from: upcrawfish
The reason I asked about the wallet...   That was one of the first few questions the surgeon asked.  A man's wallet in the back pocket is a problem waiting to happen.  The pocket you keep it in tends to 'cock' the hip axis up on that side and put pressure on the other.

After things went south, I'd throw the wallet on my desk here at work.  I've quit doing that... should possibly get back into that habit.  Wallet is 0.75-1.00 inches thick, so it's prolly not helping.

I used to have a 'technical' shoulder holster for phone and keys and stuff.  Used to keep a wallet in it, too.  Nice small clip wallet.  I'll look into a smaller wallet again (or just no longer sitting on it).

My 'sitting' habits are also horrible.  Kinda picked it up from my mom.  She used to suffer from RLS, and I currently do.  While it primarily is only a problem at night or when exhausted, it might affect daylight hours without realizing it.  Anyway, I sit in all kinds of weird positions in chairs and am constantly changing position every 5-10min too.  I've cut out some of the more extreme positions, but I imagine a few bad positions manage to sneak in.  IE: i do manage to catch my self with a foot under my thigh or ass from time to time heh.

Quote from: farmerbob
Some form of tactical pants with pockets on the legs helps, I usually carry wallet on right leg pocket, a steady diet of glucosamine is necessary for me.

A new set of pants that have deeper or side pockets could work out.  I'll check some different stores to see what's available out there.  That is, trying to avoid silly priced 'tactical' gear.  I'll note, it will be weird to buy jeans from a retail store.  Mom used to always say that second hand stores were best place for them, and I happen to agree.  Cheap, can find in like new condition, etc.  Granted, side pockets might mean kahkis or something.

As far as glucosamine & chondroitan - I found, personally, Shark Cartilage does better for me (g/c did nothing).  But, each body is different.  SC *is* g/c - just in a different form or whatever.  I dunno.  Whatever, the SC works for me so I'm happy.

Speaking of 'meds' - my current regimen for back stuff is shark cartilage, turmeric, boswellia twice a day (so 6 pills).  I make the turmeric and boswellia capsules myself via bulk powder.  The shark ? GNC.  I'm not really up to trying new stuff or changing my regimen - it works for me.  The most I'd be willing to do is maybe more turmeric and shark heh :P.  Does the regimen help yes ?  Is it 'just placebo' ? No.  There will be days that I'll come in to work, look down at my weekly pill planner thing and realize I didn't take stuff the day before - explaining why the day before was 'off' heh.
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Offline patrickdm

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2015, 03:47:42 PM »
I'm curious as to why surgery is out of the question. I've had two back surgeries to remove bulging disk material. The first time was a small amount and I went home that day. The second time was a bit worse, the surgeon said he had never removed that much material before and I spent a week in the hospital. The pain relief both times was evident the moment I woke up from the surgery. It's been several years since the last one and I'm good to go. Good luck finding a solution.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #30 on: April 06, 2015, 07:49:15 PM »
Haven't had a chance to try suspenders yet.  Hours at work / home have been hectic.

Quote from: patrickdm
I'm curious as to why surgery is out of the question.

Surgery changes things.  And it's not necessarily "fixing things".  I have talked to lots of people about such things over the years... and it seems that there's a few categories that may overlap.

a) it's awesome, fixes everything

b) once you have one back surgery, you always have more due to moving where stress occurs etc.

c) it only changed how the pain was/works/etc

d) it made things worse

e) standard possibilities due to complications

If I can avoid a 'no going back' choice / situation that is surgery - I will gladly do so.   It's a personal choice, much like I refuse to take any kind of pain pill that is a narcotic in my current situation.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #31 on: April 06, 2015, 10:08:11 PM »
I exhausted every other possibility before having surgery - chiropractor, muscle relaxers, pain killers, physical therapy, you name it.  I was at a point where I was literally a cripple.  I could barely walk, and when I did I looked like Igor from Young Frankenstein.  Surgery is a last resort, but for me it was the right choice.  I walked in to the hospital bent over at a 90 degree angle and walked out 6 hours later like a normal human being.

I've found the only time I really have problems now that I'm recovered is when I get lazy and stop exercising.  If I don't stay in shape I start having sciatic pain, then I start dragging my left foot, and it goes downhill from there.  As long as I stay active I'm more or less in the clear.

I completely understand your aversion to pain pills.  I was in such agony that I took them, but I HATED it.  Between the pain killers and the muscle relaxers I was a zombie.  I once sat through an entire hour long meeting at work and had no idea what was said.  I can see how people get addicted to them, though, because you build up a tolerance pretty fast.  It would be very easy to start taking more and more to get the same effect.  It's dangerous stuff.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 10:11:27 PM by bkoenig »

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2015, 06:38:59 PM »
Trying out the Dickie's belt hook based suspenders today.

So far, so good.  A bit weird, but not in absolute agony.

Might have them too taught, etc etc etc ... whatever.  We'll see how the day turns out.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2015, 07:06:15 PM »
FWIW, I only use the shoulder G17 and ankle PF9 on a longish road trip.  Much easier to get to than my normal pocket, appendix PF9 or IWB G17.

Like the suspenders. :laugh:

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2015, 05:37:35 PM »
Suspenders: 8 hours of carry yesterday went smoothly.  Carrying again today with same set of Dickies suspenders at the same tension as yesterday.

So far, a thumbs up.
hoppe's #9 is not the end all be all woman catching pheramone people make it out to be ... cause i smell of it 2 or 3 times a week but remain single  >:D

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2015, 12:49:34 AM »
Another 9 hr carry day with suspenders and feeling okay for the most part.

I think the suspenders are having a slight negative affect on my posture... but... so far so good.
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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2015, 12:57:13 PM »
By the grace of God I don't have a back problem, and I hope those who do find a solution.  But I wanted to comment on the suspenders.  When I carry my subcompact Glock on my belt I have to wear suspenders or my pants don't stay up very well.  The extra magazines on the other side make the suspenders even more necessary, but even without them I need the suspenders.  My extra large belly might have something to do with that I suppose.  Just curious about whether I'm the only one who has that problem.

One suggestion: I use a SmartCarry holster when it's too hot out to wear a jacket or vest.  Would that kind of holster help maybe?
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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2015, 02:19:25 PM »
By the grace of God I don't have a back problem, and I hope those who do find a solution.  But I wanted to comment on the suspenders.  When I carry my subcompact Glock on my belt I have to wear suspenders or my pants don't stay up very well.  The extra magazines on the other side make the suspenders even more necessary, but even without them I need the suspenders.  My extra large belly might have something to do with that I suppose.  Just curious about whether I'm the only one who has that problem.

One suggestion: I use a SmartCarry holster when it's too hot out to wear a jacket or vest.  Would that kind of holster help maybe?

With a proper belt and a CrossBreed SuperTuck on one hip and my spare mag in a Leatherman pouch on the other hip - no real issues.  No belly to speak of, though.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2015, 02:23:01 PM »
I think some of it depends on how tight you wear a belt.  Not only do you need a quality belt, but it needs to be snug.

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Re: Carry with a herniated disc
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2015, 02:55:54 PM »
First time I've this post and had a few thoughts.

Can you wear suspenders under your shirt?  That way you can get some suspenders that has some cushioning for the shoulders. 

I was sitting next to ya at breakfast, and I was carrying in a fanny pack (Tommy's guns pack).  Would prefer to carry at the 4:30 position though.

My mom had Kypoplasty done, worked wonders, don't know if that would work on herniated disc though.

Have arthritis in my back and the back cracker does wonder.  Gets rid of the headaches too.

+1 on looking at personal trainer.  My BIL is one and has done great things for people.

Some really good thoughts on this thread.