Still have three spots left open in the class, so if you are interested, sign up!
I'd put a link to one of the many self-defense stories (using CCW) that get posted to the media (though generally not the mainstream media, go figure) to make you think you need this because people are getting attacked everywhere and you should be scared---but I don't like advertising under false pretenses.
If you are smart enough to stay away from the three "S"s (don't do Stupid things with Stupid people in Stupid places) and you don't break the law, do drugs, or drink to excess in public, your chances of needing to defend yourself are simply very small.
But they aren't zero. And if you have already chosen to CCW or are planning to CCW, then that means you understand the real level of risk, and have decided that your own safety (and the safety of your loved ones) is your responsibility so that even if the risk is low, possible negative outcomes are TOO IMPORTANT not to be prepared.
So take the class that will help you have CCW be a normal, every-day occurrence, with training that will help you understand legal use of force and put some situational decision-making in context.
CCW Lifestyle class, May 9th. $95.
Register here: