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Author Topic: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!  (Read 1420 times)

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boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:27:58 PM »
 the boy scouts have banned  the use of squirt guns for fun,

  Looks like this group is going full geek,
  You cant have a knife, you cant start fires. you cant kill a animal for food.  now you can shoot targets  with a water gun but have to wear safety glasses?   
   I used to donate 22 ammo to the local boy scouts,  but the people who ran it quit because of all the new rules, it aint the same boy scouts that I remember
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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 05:11:01 PM »
WTF?  :o

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 06:34:38 PM »
Boy Scouts has apparently taken on the doctrines of the official state religion.  I think quite a few probably got out when they decided to let homosexuals in to go on camping trips and share tents with the boys, and not surprisingly, what were left went full liberal.  Seems like I heard Girl Scouts has been corrupted by the liberal cult too.  Maybe something like the original Boy and Girl Scouts will be formed to fill the vacuum left by the corruption of the old Scouts, probably through a church.  There should be Christian/patriot clubs uncorrupted by liberalism for parents to send their kids to, though they'll eventually be attacked and destroyed by the liberal cult too I suppose.  Just more proof of the old saying that the best way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.  (And I have to admit that I'm as guilty of that as anybody.) 
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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 08:12:03 PM »
I don't want to sound misogynistic, but this BS started when they allowed WOMEN into the BOY SCOUTS as Scout leaders.

Being a Scout leader for 20 years and currently on a District committee, I can tell you out here in rural America we just say F.U. to a lot of the new BS and do what we want.  They are just GUIDELINES.

It will get worse.  The left's main objective is to defeat the moral ethics embedded in the Boy Scouts or to get rid of them altogether.  Failing that they have made a concerted effort to co-opt the Boy Scouts into their insidious take over of everything American.

Unless you are involved in the Boy Scouts, you never hear or see any of how this affects local units.  Become involved and work from the inside to help combat this nonsense.

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 08:56:06 PM »
There is a Christian version of Boy Scouts.  I don't remember what it's called, though. 

I taught my youngest boy everything the BS could at a much younger age (I.e. knife handling, shooting, hunting, fire making, canoeing, etc...).  I did the same for my oldest son even though he was in BS. 

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 10:04:03 PM »
There is a Christian version of Boy Scouts.  I don't remember what it's called, though. 

I taught my youngest boy everything the BS could at a much younger age (I.e. knife handling, shooting, hunting, fire making, canoeing, etc...).  I did the same for my oldest son even though he was in BS.
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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 04:06:20 AM »
Many groups have started Boy Scout ish groups, almost copying the handbooks, but including more religion and such as they see fit.
I was a Cub leader for a while, was not impressed with corporate system.  Money hungry. 
As for the women involved, I sorta agree, but in the case of our pack, had the moms not stepped up, it would have folded. I still help with firearms training for the district, its my way of getting these kids more shooting chance.

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 07:12:27 AM »
As long as they don't ban melting Ex-Lax on your fellow scout's s'more I'm good ....

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 09:51:46 AM »
The changes in BSA are disappointing to a former Scout.  I agree that this watering down of the Boy Scouts policies and processes has been very systematic and like water on a rock.  They are turning what was once a great organization into yet another mechanism to tell our boys that they are less than they can be and to follow the "party line". I was a Scout and although we are taught many things the basics is to respect yourself and others and do what is right.  We were taught to be self sufficient and how to survive in emergencies.

Banning squirt guns because they are "guns" just indicates that there is no longer an understanding of the purposes and directions for the organization or any level of "common sense" at the highest levels of the organization.  Lord Baden Powell is probably spinning in his grave.

I am very glad to hear that the local troop leadership is still able to make their own rules as these are guidelines not rules. The loss of the information and education is sad and a poor reflection on our culture today.
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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2015, 07:26:43 PM »

I was a Cub leader for a while, was not impressed with corporate system.  Money hungry. 
As for the women involved, I sorta agree, but in the case of our pack, had the moms not stepped up, it would have folded.

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Moms in Cubs is essential.  Moms helping out in Boy Scouts is essential.  Female SCOUTMASTERS is just wrong.

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2015, 08:46:45 AM »
I remember when I went to Indian Hills Church in Lincoln they have a boys' group called Boys of Faith that does a lot of things.  They go on a camping trip twice a year, they have dodge ball tournaments, and they teach marksmanship (indoors, with pellet guns) and archery.  And of course that group is not corrupted by the cancer of liberalism.  They have a girls' group too, called Girls of Grace.  I'm sure a lot of Bible-based churches have groups like that.  So as the Boy Scouts die from liberalism, maybe parents will move their kids out of that dying body and into something that is not diseased.  It should be kept in mind though that some churches have also been corrupted by liberalism.

The Boy Scouts are a microcosm of our society: they have been corrupted because our society has been corrupted.  And it will get worse before it gets better, if it ever does get better.   
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

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Re: boy scouts ban squirt guns. well because guns!
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2015, 12:07:14 PM »
  You cant have a knife, you cant start fires. you cant kill a animal for food.  now you can shoot targets  with a water gun but have to wear safety glasses?   
   I used to donate 22 ammo to the local boy scouts,  but the people who ran it quit because of all the new rules, it aint the same boy scouts that I remember

I always see these claims on the 'net, but it's like it's from some other parallel scouting universe.  It doesn't seem to reflect reality.  My cub just got his whittling chip so he can carry a knife when he's in uniform.  Making fire is part of the curriculum.  We do archery and BB all the time.

They don't do firearms until boy scouts, but I'm OK with that considering the wide variety of maturity levels you have in lower- to middle-elementary-age years.  I've helped out with the BB gun range during summer camps.  Let me tell you... With even two or three cubs standing right there in front of you, you need about six arms and eight eyes.   I'd rather introduce my own eight-year-old to a .22 on my own property at my own pace.

Looking at the council site, it seems like there still are shooting and hunting opportunities, if they can get the needed sponsorship, interest and support -- http://www.cornhuskercouncil.org/clays -- so don't throw in the towel yet.  I reckon they need more support and assistance, not less.

The water gun thing is a dumb political decision.  I see a lot of angry reaction online.  Maybe they can turn that around.

Women as cubmasters?   Yeah I can appreciate that people would rather see the fathers do that, but I do know that without the mothers' time the packs and troops couldn't keep going.  There's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes as committee chairs, advancement chairs, managing fundraisers, making sure the unit remains chartered and everyone's mandatory training is done.  A lot of whip cracking needs to be done and the fairer sex seems to be really good at it, but I'll stop right there before I get myself in trouble.   :-X
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 12:10:31 PM by feralcatkillr »
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