Toby, your article reminded me of the the Indian Ghost Shirt, worn by Ghost Dancers and believed by them to make them bullet proof. The Wounded Knee massacre proved otherwise.
Today, some folks believe that "No Guns" signs would prevent the carrying or use of firearms on premises located behind the sign.
I wondered if they would reconsider their support of the 'No Guns" sign if they taped the sign to their shirt as protection against bullets. Recent events have proven how foolish that notion is. Of course, they wouldn't wear a "No Guns" sign on their shirt because they know in reality that the signs are worthless protection against bullets, and they also know that if they put a sign out in their yard saying their home and property were "No Guns" zones they'd be broken into and robbed before sunrise. So, the "No Guns" signs isn't about safety from bullets or protection of property, it is about infringing that which "shall not be infringed", our 2nd A rights.