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Author Topic: Back in the day  (Read 4299 times)

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Back in the day
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:45:10 PM »
Should have saved this for Throwback Thursday but I was going through some old files and thought I'd share this.

Brad Ashford proposed this bill and I testified against it in the Judiciary Committee. Ashford was in the room when I gave this testimony and when I was done Ernie "The Cobra" Chambers informed those in attendance that this was a four-fanger. As I recall some of you were there and this bill never made it out of committee.

LB934 Knife Prohibition

It is a known fact that employment opportunities for persons convicted of felonies is less than that of law abiding citizens. It is even more difficult if those persons are in a minority. A large number of Felons are only able to secure employment in meat packing plants, other food processing facilities and restaurants.

It is generally an occupational requirement that persons in those positions provide at their own expense or use company issued cutlery.

Prohibiting these individuals from possessing a knife with a blade longer that defined by law will force them into unemployment. Even a dishwasher in such an establishment is required to clean and sanitize the employers equipment.

Even some steak knives, that are capable of cutting, stabbing or tearing, are longer than the three and one half inches that Senator Ashford is legislating in LB958.

Senator Chambers has indicated many times that minorities in Nebraska are prosecuted for felonies at much higher percentages than white people. Enactment of this law unfairly targets and demonstrates a total disregard for the minority community in the state of Nebraska.

While I doubt the Senator harbors any negative racial bias for the disadvantaged citizens of Nebraska his bill implies otherwise. If passed LB934 will have a detrimental effect on the economy and crime in Nebraska. Especially the major population centers of Omaha and Lincoln.

If this becomes law there are many minorities now gainfully employed at jobs secured by their probation officers that will have to seek unemployment insurance benefits, employment elsewhere or return to their life of crime.
Sidearms Training Academy
La Luz, NM