Oh, which gun rights/ sportsman's rights organization does your entry fee for that go to?
That isn't normally my primary criterion for choice, really.
I start by matches I need to go to (for example, ones that I work), followed by ones that I want to go to. After that, if something else strikes my fancy or is in a good cause, I might think about it even if it isn't in my area of interest and 1) I have time, and 2) I have money.
I'm thinking we probably don't need to get on anyone's case for choosing a different shooting sport (or even not shooting)...glad people like trapshooting and the cause seems good, but it isn't for everyone. Nor is it required that everyone like it or shoot it, I'd think...
For example, I'm not really interested in trapshooting. As such, even if I had the day free I probably wouldn't shoot it. Matter of fact, I'm thinking about the HQ shoot also, though I may not be able to make it since I'm going to be shooting a large IDPA match in Kansas the previous day.
I hope I'm not in trouble for not shooting the wrong match or giving money to the wrong state?