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Author Topic: Last chance to shoot Heavy Metal Tactical this year in Multigun!  (Read 911 times)

Offline JTH

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Last chance to shoot Heavy Metal Tactical this year in Multigun!
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:02:49 PM »
ENGC's last Multigun match is coming up next Sunday---so you've got one last chance to shoot Heavy Metal Tactical this year!  C'mon, you know you love shooting those .308s and making fun of the .223 folks who can barely ring steel loudly enough to hear at distance... 


Registration link:  https://practiscore.com/enps-november-2015-multi-gun-match/register

...as an added bonus, several of the local 3-Gun Nation Pros (Jake Betsworth, Nate Staskiewicz, and Lance Dingler) have talked their various sponsors into putting together a prize table for this match, which is pretty darn cool.

Remember:  Heavy Metal Tactical is the way to go!  .308 rifle (and you can put a magnified scope on it if you want), .40-cal (or above) pistol (limited to 10 rounds in the mag), and a 12 gauge shotgun, and you are good to go! (If you want to shoot Heavy Metal Limited, you can do that too:  .308 rifle, .44-or-above pistol, and a 12-gauge pumpgun.  All iron sights.)

Someone has to put those .223 guys in their place!
Precision Response Training