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Author Topic: PRT Seminar: Partner Defense, Feb 20th  (Read 1062 times)

Offline JTH

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PRT Seminar: Partner Defense, Feb 20th
« on: January 07, 2016, 03:04:36 PM »
Most concealed carry permit holders make an unconscious assumption that they will be alone when it comes time to defend themselves.  At the very least, most assume that they will be acting alone, without regard to others.  However, that may be completely wrong.  How often are you in out in public when you are NOT with a spouse, significant other, partner, or child?

What are you going to do if a self-defense situation occurs?  Do you have a generalized plan?  Will your and your partner/spouse/child/significant other react together in a fashion that will be effective at keeping yourselves safe?

Or will you instead either freeze or work at cross-purposes because you have no idea what the other will do or when they will do it, and have no concept of how to help?

The Precision Response Training Partner Defense seminar is an introduction to defensive plans and strategies for keeping both you and your loved ones safe in a self-defense situation.  This is only a 3.5 hour seminar (on a topic that deserves a 3-day class at minimum) but it will give you a solid grounding in the concepts and communication best able to keep you safe.  (And yes, perhaps later we'll do a full-day class with expanded work.)

This is NOT a seminar in entry or clearance techniques.  This is a seminar in how to work effectively with someone else in a free-flow random self-defense environment.

Date: Saturday, February 20th, 2016
Time: 5:00pm to 8:30pm
Cost:  $60 per pair of students

Register here:  http://precisionresponse.4t.com/Schedule.html

Note:  I'm keeping this seminar small, and I already have several pairs signed up for this seminar.  As such, there is only space for 3 more pairs of people.  So if you are interested, sign up soon!
Precision Response Training

Offline JTH

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Re: PRT Seminar: Partner Defense, Feb 20th
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2016, 01:45:55 PM »
Note:  If you plan on attending this seminar you MUST HAVE a barrel blocker or practice barrel for the handgun you use for concealed carry.  If you commonly carry a knife or other tool for self-defense, you must either have an inert/practice copy of it, or be prepared to use a rubber/training item (that may not match exactly your particular tool) instead.

It must be visibly obvious that your firearm CANNOT chamber and fire a round.

There will be NO live weapons in the training area.

Practice barrel:  http://shop.blade-tech.com/training-barrel-c-81_123.html

Barrel Blocker:  http://www.trainsafe.us/products.php

It occurs to me to say:  This isn't a seminar in teaching you and your well-armed partner team clearance tactics.  And this isn't about learning buddy-action-film dance steps. 

Does only one of you carry?  Have you thought about what that means in terms of protecting each other?  (What, you thought it was all you?  It doesn't work that way.)

Learn how to work together effectively to keep both of you unharmed and safe.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 01:48:42 PM by jthhapkido »
Precision Response Training

Offline JTH

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Re: PRT Seminar: Partner Defense, Feb 20th
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 09:52:15 AM »
I said earlier:
"Does only one of you carry?  Have you thought about what that means in terms of protecting each other?  (What, you thought it was all you?  It doesn't work that way.)"

Awhile back, I ran a drill in my Hapkido class for a couple of my female students.  They are good friends, spend lots of time together, and both have been taking my martial arts class for quite awhile (one for several years).  In other words, they know each other quite well.  We talked about self-defense, and then did a couple of quick scenarios---and they were shocked to find out how important it was to understand the other person's choices and reactions, and how even being good friends didn't give them enough information to work together effectively under stress.

What do YOU do when your loved one is the one who is menaced?  Do you just start to pull a gun when there is a knife to your partner's throat?  (You'll probably get them killed if you do that, by the way.  This isn't the movies.) 

What if no one is being directly menaced, it is just generalized to the both of you---how do you know when to move?  And move to do what?  What is your role?  What are your capabilities, and how do they fit into the situation to help keep both of you safe?  Should you even do anything?  Who makes that choice?  How do they let their partner know?

This class is for partners where both carry, OR where only one carries, OR where sometimes neither of you carry---what do you need to work together effectively to keep both of you unharmed and safe?

This is just a short seminar, but it will get you started on understanding the importance of communication and prior conceptual planning so that you can stay safe.

This seminar has no acrobatic requirements (matter of fact, not even any aerobic requirements), students will not have to engage in physical altercations, though there will be some mild short scenarios.  This isn't my CQT class, you won't have to jump anybody.  :)

Precision Response Training