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Author Topic: Legal Survival Training March 5 - Lincoln  (Read 915 times)

Offline UseofForceLawyer

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Legal Survival Training March 5 - Lincoln
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:06:38 PM »

Learn What You Must Know Before Using Force

Instructor: Gary Young

This is a 5 hour advanced training course on the Nebraska law of self defense taught by a Nebraska use of force lawyer who represents law enforcement statewide in use of force incidents, including representing more than 100 LEOs in grand jury proceedings following a justifiable homicide in the line of duty.

Topics include:

The Nebraska Homicide Statute on Justifiable Homicide
The major self defense cases
The Rules of Engagement
Scenario Based Training on Justifiability
The Use of Force Continuum and the Problem of Intermediate Force for CCW carriers
What will happen in a police investigation of you
The dos and donts of interacting with police following a use of force
The Human Factors in a Lethal Force Encounter
The Problem of the Media and How to Minimize Your Profile
Minimizing Civil Liability

Upcoming Class: March 5, 9:00-1:00

For more information or to register please visit:


NFOA full members may register under the discounted group rate.

Hope to see some of you in March!

Gary Young
CCW Legal Survival

Offline Kendahl

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Re: Legal Survival Training March 5 - Lincoln
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2016, 10:40:17 PM »
Today, I attended Gary's Legal Survival class. I won't go into what was covered since Gary already did so in his initial post.

There were between 40 and 50 in the class. Roughly half were CHP instructors which is understandable since this is billed as an advanced class. There was one police officer and at least one former officer. However, there was also at least one newbie barely past getting her CHP. With such a group, there were many questions which made the class run almost an hour long. Frankly, Gary has enough worthwhile information to impart that the class could profitably be extended to eight hours.

Compared to Chris Zeeb's legal class, this one got more into an analysis of the relevant laws. Chris covered more cases but didn't analyze them as thoroughly. Other things that Gary covered in more detail were what happens during a homicide investigation, how not to screw up justifiable self defense and the bizarre ways your mind behaves during and after the incident.

Having taken both Chris's and Gary's legal classes, I believe both are worth your time and money if there is any chance you might become involved in a self defense incident.

Offline UseofForceLawyer

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Re: Legal Survival Training March 5 - Lincoln
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2016, 10:27:27 AM »
Thank you Kendahl. It was a great group with lots of insightful questions and ideas. Very impressed by the CHP instructors who were there.

For those who may not have been available, I am doing the class again on March 12 for a group at Christ Place church that could not make the March 5 date. The class is at 9-100 at:

Christ's Place Church
1111 Old Cheney Road in Lincoln.

All are invited. You can register for the class by signing up for the March 5 class registration form, which is still up on my website at:


Otherwise, the next class will be scheduled soon for a date in June in Omaha.

Thanks everyone--

Gary Young

« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 08:30:46 PM by UseofForceLawyer »