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If you had 1 piece of advice for someone before they attend a CHP class, what wo
Range Mom:
Hi everyone
I'm putting together an informational session on best practices/ Lessons Learned for people interested in getting their CHP to help them preprare beforehand.
So if you have your CHP or are an instructor what advice would you give someone to help them prepare before they attend a class?
If you'd like to be quoted, happy to give credit where credit is due. Happy to include your company name if you have one.
And if you share your contact information I'll share that with attendees too.
If you want to share but not on here, message me privately.
Thank you in advance!
1) Be safe.
2) Have a firearm. You would think it a given, but people have shown up expecting instructors to furnish them with a firearm and gear.
3) Choose a proper holster, preferably outside the waistband, made for the firearm you are using. (Or a universal made to fit that style.)
4) KNOW your firearm. Know the operation and mechanics of it, please don't just go buy one and show up.
5) Take a Basic Pistol class. Practice with your firearm. (Someone actually showed up to a class having NEVER fired a handgun.)
These are observations from someone who is a hobbyist, I'm not a certified instructor, master level trigger spanker, or national champion match wunderkind with an NFA finger. This is just common sense that I have seen firsthand being ignored when I have helped other instructors, and things I have heard while introducing someone to the joy of firearms.
Gsd got it right. Fortunately everyone in my class knew the fundamentals to say the least. Many had grown up with guns. I can't imagine how aggravating it would be to take a class with total novices. It would really ruin the experience honestly.
--- Quote from: gsd on May 09, 2016, 03:48:32 PM ---It is highly likely the above post may offend you. I'm fine with that.
--- End quote ---
You really should revise your sig file. All these years and you still haven't posted anything that offends me.
Unless you say something totally blasphemous like supporting Bernie Sanders, or suggesting that a martini should be shaken rather than stirred, you aren't going to offend me.
sfg is away off somewheres. In the meantime, I am using his Forum space to respond to this current issue.
Here we go:
1. Have read Title 272, Chapter 21 of the Nebraska Administrative Code in its entirety. And studied it thoroughly prior to coming to class. No real burden here. It’s only 24 pages long, perhaps less than the daily sports pages. Lots of good information therein, especially all the tidbits that will keep a CHP-holder from going to jail for exercising his 2nd amendment rights. But then, it must be against some folks’ religion to come to class prepared.
2. Not have brought a stinking Ruger Single-six or any 5-shot revolver to the class to use as the qualification handgun. (Or, alternatively, to know which direction the 5-shot revolver cylinder rotates when the trigger is pulled.)
3. Not have brought any kind of .44Rem Magnum or similar showoff non-carry-type blunderbuss, either.
4. Not to point their loaded handgun at themselves, the instructor, or the other class members more than a couple of times during the range qualification portion of the class.
5. Not to load the cartridges into the magazines backwards.
6. Not to show up at the range wanting to borrow eyes, ears, or holsters. Or handguns. Or ammo.
7. Not to show up at the range with a great big smile on face and a “Brannew handgun I’ve never ever shot before!!!!”
8. Not to shake like a leafy aspen the entire time while on the firing line. Nervousness is contagious. Especially for the Instructor, who is already nervous.
9. Know the difference between .45ACP and .45GAP before leaving Cabelas.
10. Be fully aware of the substantial responsibility that accompanies packing heat in public locations and be ready to do the study, preparation, and state of mind that is necessary to meet that responsibility.
cranky old CHP instructor that nobody should listen to anyhow/b]
Range Mom:
Thank you everyone! Appreciate the insight and expertise!
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