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Author Topic: LHGK - Tactical Medicine and Injured Shooter - Council Bluffs, IA 6/20/2016  (Read 803 times)

Offline R.Schoening

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Hi all -

Offering two Tactical Medicine Courses in June. The first Course, "Basic Trauma Management" can be taken by itself. The second Course, "Injured Shooter Pistol Course" can ONLY be taken as a joint Course with the "Basic Trauma Management" Course.

Course One -

Who: LHGK - Rob Schoening
What: Tactical Medicine - Basic Trauma Management.
When: 6/20/2016
Where: Council Bluffs, IA
Why:  The fact of the matter is this; Bad things happen and First Responders can't be everywhere!
Tactical Medicine - Basic Trauma Management is  a medical course focusing on penetrating trauma (gun shot / stab wounds) designed to fill the gaps in medical treatment from the time an incident happens until higher care arrives .

The course includes lecture, discussion, and practical application portions helping students to build a real world medical skill set for the treatment of themselves and others. This is an excellent course for anyone who has the desire to help others in times of need and a must have for firearms owners, concealed carry permit holders, hunters, law enforcement officers, and military members.           

Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to the following: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Rapid Patient Assessments, Treatment of Self and Others, Treatment Theories, Medical Equipment Selection, Set Up and Usage.

Cost: 75.00

Course Two -

Who: LHGK - Rob Schoening
What: Bullets, Blades and Bandages and Injured Shooter Course .
When: 6/20/2016
Where: Council Bluffs, IA 
Why: Basic Trauma Management and Firearms Manipulations with simulated injuries.

This is a two block medical and firearms training course focused on basic trauma management and the operation/manipulation of firearms with simulated injuries.

Block 1 - Basic Trauma Management (Bullets, Blades, and Bandages) is a BASIC level trauma management course designed to help "first responders" fill the gaps in medical treatment from the time an incident happens until higher care arrives.

Block 2 -  Injured Shooter Skills Course (Pistol Skills) is a pistol course focused on helping students build a safe, simple and effective firearms skill set dealing with the operation and manipulation of pistols while injured.           

Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to the following: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Rapid Patient Assessments, Treatment of Self and Others, Treatment Theories, Medical Equipment Selection, Set Up and Usage, Manipulation and Usage of Pistol.

This is a limited enrollment course.

Cost: 150.00

Additional Details and registration:  Rob Schoening via email at rob@lhgk.us.

V/r - Rob