Thought I'd add a couple of comments, for those interested in shooting PCC at the USPSA matches at ENGC.
Rules for transportation and casing/uncasing of PCC firearms at ENPS matches (there will NOT be a designated safe berm to uncase PCC firearms on each stage):1) Keep the firearm cased at all times unless under the direction supervision of an RO, or in a safety area.
2) When called to the line to shoot, bring your
cased/bagged PCC to the line, and only unbag after the Make Ready command.
3) Have a buddy take the case after you unbag, and have that person bring you the bag at the end of the course of fire. You will case your PCC prior to the the "range is clear" command.
4) Make certain that the PCC is pointed into a berm at all times during the unbagging/bagging process, because the rules specifically say it is a match DQ if you do not.
5) Because of the way this is handled,
if your PCC is bagged (as opposed to strapped to a cart) you don't need a chamber flag--because at no time will the PCC be unbagged outside of a Safety Area or when not under the supervision of an RO.
6) If you ARE going to have your PCC strapped to a cart with no bag, then it needs to have a chamber flag inserted, and you'll need to roll your cart to the start position, and have someone roll it to the end position of the stage of fire. (In other words, just have a bag, it'll make it easier for everyone including you.)
Comment about the "default start position" for PCC firearms at ENPS matches:The USPSA rules currently do NOT contain a "default start position" for PCC guns like they do for pistols. (Other than that "loaded" means magazine inserted, round chambered, and safety on.) As such, the ENPS match committee has decided that in any case where the stage written stage briefing doesn't contain a PCC-specific start position and the firearm start position as written cannot be managed by a PCC-division shooter, that the start position will be assumed to be the following default:
Both hands on gun, strong-side hand (on stock) touching hip, firearm pointed in any safe direction
while parallel to the ground. (If the WSB says "facing downrange" for pistol shooters then the PCC shooter needs to follow that part of the directions also.) looks like a couple of us are going to try PCC for the match this Sunday. If you have one, you should come try it also.