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Author Topic: CMP Rimfire Sporter  (Read 3528 times)

Offline Mikee Loxxer

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CMP Rimfire Sporter
« on: October 08, 2016, 03:09:37 PM »
Coming in 2017....Weeping Water Gun Club will be holding CMP Rimfire Sporter matches.  Match dates have not been chosen yet, stay tuned.....

Offline Mikee Loxxer

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Re: CMP Rimfire Sporter
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2017, 07:42:42 PM »
Weeping Water Gun Club has three CMP Rimfire Sporter Matches on the calendar for 2017. To prepare for the match season we have clinic to give participants an idea of what to expect on Saturday April 23rd. The matches themselves are on Saturday June 3rd, and Sunday's July 9th and October 1st.

This match is designed to encourage new shooters to try competitive shooting.  It has also proven to be a good event for experienced shooters.

Any Sporter type .22 rifle that will hold 5 rounds, tube or magazine fed, is allowed.  Semi-auto, pump, lever and bolt action guns are used.  A shooting mat or carpet remnant is suggested for the prone position.  A spotting scope or binocular is also handy for checking your shots.  Iron sights, aperture or scopes are allowed with scopes set at 6X maximum. 
All rifles are loaded with 5 rounds for each string of fire.  Time is allowed for reloading between each string of fire.  All slow fire stages are 10 minutes.  Rapid fire stages are 30 seconds and 25 seconds (manual and semi-auto respectively) for each 5 round string.  As in all matches, eye and ear protection is required as well as Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI). 
The match consists of unlimited sighting shots in a five minute time period and 60 shots for record.

   Unlimited sighter shots in five minutes, not for record.
   10 shots @ 50 yards, prone, slow fire
   10 shots @ 50 yards, prone, rapid fire
   10 shots @ 50 yards, sitting/kneeling slow fire
   10 shots @ 50 yards, sitting/kneeling, rapid fire
   10 shots @ 25 yards, standing (off hand), slow fire
   10 shots @ 25 yards, standing (off hand), rapid fire

Fees:   Adults  -  $15.00 (20 plus years old)
           Juniors  -  $5.00 (13 to 19 years old)
           Sub Juniors  -  No fee (12 years and younger)