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Author Topic: Lyman 8-Hole Handgun Cartridge Checker  (Read 3449 times)

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Lyman 8-Hole Handgun Cartridge Checker
« on: October 23, 2016, 04:07:51 PM »
Was out casually shopping (kinda looking for a 40s&w taper crimp die) when I saw something kinda neat at Cabela's.


It's an 8 cartridge go/no-go block.

380 ACP, 9mm Luger, 38 Super, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 44 Special, 44 Remington Magnum, 45 Colt

They apparently make a couple rifle ones, too.

It's made of aluminum, which kind of sucks IMHO (temperature expansion, not as durable, etc).

At $30-$35 for the ability to check 8 round types vs a single Wilson gauge, I figured why not give it a go.

I'll grab some pics when I get home.
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Lyman 8-Hole Handgun Cartridge Checker
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2016, 04:50:31 PM »
Now That's Pretty Cool............  Have never seen one of those Little Cookies before.

And you're right about the price, compared to Wilsons.   (Yeah....I've got Wilsons.  And they only gauge the case, not the whole cartridge.)

Another thing you can use to check for fit is the actual chamber of your semi-auto handgun.   Just field-strip the gun, take out the barrel, and drop the finished rounds into the chamber for checking.  See if they fit...... 

Anyways, by that method you can test the finished cartridge without a Wilson or other gauge.   Guess you could also test the unloaded cases the same way.   Either way, you hafta hold up the barrel chamber up to a light and look across the flat of the cartridge base to check overall case length.   See how far the base sticks up out of the chamber.  A little 2-3 inch right hand square tool works well in this regard.

The fit in the handgun chamber appears to be a bit more forgiving than the Wilson cartridge gauge.   The actual chambers on my handguns are more loosey-goosey, sloppier, whatever.

Becoz.....Some of my reloaded stuff that doesn't go through the Wilson very smoothly will still quite readily go into the chamber.

And........actually shoot.

Probably depends on whether the chamber was reamed on first shift or second shift.   Or Monday or Friday.

Always have liked Lyman reloading stuff.


« Last Edit: October 23, 2016, 07:36:05 PM by SemperFiGuy »
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