Yup, that's what I did for sure, tried to shoot the same speed on all 3 strings and apparently I'm not capable of doing that one-handed! I guess I just wanted to "try", hoping for a miracle? Ha ha! I knew I was in trouble after watching Cody hit 4 no-shoots on his run. 
I always think that "Fixed Time" should actually be called "Know Your Limits".
I ran this a couple of times using 8"x10" index cards for A-zones, with my Production rig, and I don't think I got above a 60 point score. (Well, technically I did once, but "blind luck" is not a good way to bet in the shooting sports. Twice when I pulled the trigger, all I knew was that the bullet was going to end up in the berm, but had NO IDEA where. Just happened to be in the right spot by pure luck.)
I can pretty much get the 6 freestyle (5 definitely). 3, maybe 4 SHO. 2, maybe 3 WHO. As such, if I get a good grip perfectly, and do the trigger like I'm capable, I'd probably get 13 A-hits. If I'm
really on, perhaps 5 SHO. (Not four WHO at the moment.) So for me, at my current level with a pistol, 14 A-hits tops. That's about a 77% classifier score.
I'm pretty sure I can get at least 9 every time. (That's just 4 freestyle, 3 SHO, and 2 WHO. That's 45 points, or a 50%.)
....and if you look at the scores, you can see quite a few people who are better at SHO and WHO than I am who DIDN'T run it that way, and it killed them. Several of those folks could shoot a 50% all day,
if that was the requirement. But since we are so used to trying to get all those shots in....well.
We probably won't run another Fixed Time classifier for a long time (cue the sighs of relief) but it is an interesting change of pace, and a useful check on whether or not you are
really controlling your shooting and only pulling the trigger when the sights are on target, or whether you are just running on a timing autopilot.
Answer for most of us: Autopilot. Dang it.