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Author Topic: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!  (Read 3884 times)

Offline JTH

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ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« on: November 23, 2016, 11:28:39 AM »
The last USPSA match of 2016 at ENPS is approaching!  December 4th will be it for the year!  (Luckily, we'll start with another series of matches in January of 2017, so keep that in mind also!)

Important note: We are strictly enforcing our registration policy. Anyone showing up after 8:30AM will not be allowed to shoot the match! Please show up early to help setup!
Online Pre-Registration: https://practiscore.com/enps-december-2016-uspsa-match/register
Please note that you must show up prior to 8:30AM to pay and sign in with match staff even if you pre-register.

If you are pre-registering online and you aren't a USPSA member (or an ENGC member, for that matter), that's fine!  You can still shoot the match with no issues.  Just PLEASE remember to put "PEN" (for "pending") in the online registration form when it asks for your USPSA member number.  Please don't put anything other than PEN.  (No, you don't need to add quotes.)

Match Fee: $15.

Online Payment: https://easternnebraskapracticalshooters.com/product/match-payment/

Schedule Is As Follows:
  • Setup will start at 7:15AM. We appreciate any help we can get with setup. The more people we have, the faster we can get shooting!
  • Registration closes at 8:30AM but you definitely want to show up sooner if you can. We will, as always, do our best to accommodate squadding requests but your chances are exponentially better at getting those requests fulfilled if you register online or show up very early on match day!
  • Safety and New Shooter Briefing begins at 8:30AM.
  • Shooters’ Meeting starts at 9:00AM.
  • Match begins immediately following the Shooters’ Meeting.

Equipment You Will Need:
  • A handgun or pistol caliber carbine chambered in 9x19mm or larger.
  • A holster if you are shooting a handgun. It is highly recommended you get one designed specifically for your gun and not a universal holster.
  • A rifle bag that fits your gun if you are shooting a PCC.
  • Extra magazines. You will have to reload on the clock. Belt-mounted magazine pouches are also a great addition as they will significantly speed up your reload time and allow you to more easily carry magazines. If you need to, you can put mags in an appropriate pocket for your division (Do NOT put magazines in a front pocket if you intend to shoot production or any other division that stipulates magazine placement! This will put you into Open!)
  • Plenty of ammunition. It never hurts to have “too much” ammo. While you may not use every round, I always recommend a couple hundred rounds (in case of necessary reshoots or "make up shots").

Not sure what division you have the equipment for [see Appendix D]? Want to get more in-depth with the rules? Read more here: http://www.uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2014/Feb%202014%20Handgun%20Rules.pdf

List of Production division approved handguns: http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-NROI-production-gunlist.php

Carry Optics Division Appendix: http://uspsa.org/document_library/2016/APPENDIX%20D7_DNROI_2.pdf

Pistol Caliber Carbine Appendix: https://uspsa.org/document_library/rules/2016/PCC%20Appendix%20D8.pdf

If you have any questions please reply to this thread or PM me!   (Remember, if you think it is going to be cold out, you should shoot PCC---you don't even have to take off your coat.  :) )
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Offline JTH

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 05:42:29 PM »
Don't forget to sign up for this---because it'll be another full MONTH before there is another action pistol match to shoot at ENGC!

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2016, 06:55:45 AM »
Just letting people know---the classifier for this Sunday is 99-14:  Hoser Heaven.

It is a Fixed Time classifier, which will be new for a lot of people!

Fixed Time is rather like doing a Virginia Count Stage with a par time with all disappearing targets.  :)

You are given a certain amount of time to shoot each string of fire, you must shoot exactly as the stage procedure tells you, and all misses are no-penalty mikes.  In the end, your score for the stage (and the match) is simply how many points you earned within the par time given.

Because of this, often it is MUCH smarter to take the time you need to (for example) get three A-hits instead of (for example) rushing, blasting off 5 shots, and getting 2 Cs, an A, and two mikes.  Or worse yet, hitting a no-shoot.  You have to judge what you need to do to get the most points you can within the par time---and if you don't get all the shots off, there are no penalties for that.

It requires a different type of thinking! 
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Offline abbafandr

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2016, 04:04:44 PM »
Diabolical devils,  shoot fast, aim and think :o

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2016, 08:39:42 PM »

Offline jarelj

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2016, 09:55:00 PM »
That classifier was BRUTAL!   :o

Offline JTH

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2016, 06:05:01 AM »
That classifier was BRUTAL!   :o

Many people tried to do exactly what we suggested NOT doing!

Simply getting 4 A-hits on the first string, 3 on the second, and 2 on the third would have been 45 points---a 50%.  And yet.....from the scores, SO MANY PEOPLE tried getting all 6 hits on all three strings, when that obviously wasn't going to work out. (7 out of 39 people got at least 45 points.)  Tell me that given 5 seconds, you couldn't have gotten 3 accurate shots SHO, or 2 WHO?

Fixed Time really takes a different mode of thinking.

Scarily enough, this is the ONLY Fixed Time classifier that doesn't have targets out to at least 25 yards.  (One has them out to 50.)  The others are (in various ways) worse.

People should have shot PCC.  This was a LOT easier in that division.  (And no, a PCC shooter did NOT choose this classifier. :) )
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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2016, 10:43:34 AM »
Yup, that's what I did for sure, tried to shoot the same speed on all 3 strings and apparently I'm not capable of doing that one-handed!  I guess I just wanted to "try", hoping for a miracle?  Ha ha!  I knew I was in trouble after watching Cody hit 4 no-shoots on his run.  ::)

Offline JTH

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Re: ENPS - Last USPSA match of 2016 on Dec 4th!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2016, 11:18:22 AM »
Yup, that's what I did for sure, tried to shoot the same speed on all 3 strings and apparently I'm not capable of doing that one-handed!  I guess I just wanted to "try", hoping for a miracle?  Ha ha!  I knew I was in trouble after watching Cody hit 4 no-shoots on his run.  ::)

I always think that "Fixed Time" should actually be called "Know Your Limits".

I ran this a couple of times using 8"x10" index cards for A-zones, with my Production rig, and I don't think I got above a 60 point score.  (Well, technically I did once, but "blind luck" is not a good way to bet in the shooting sports.  Twice when I pulled the trigger, all I knew was that the bullet was going to end up in the berm, but had NO IDEA where.  Just happened to be in the right spot by pure luck.)

I can pretty much get the 6 freestyle (5 definitely).  3, maybe 4 SHO.  2, maybe 3 WHO.   As such, if I get a good grip perfectly, and do the trigger like I'm capable, I'd probably get 13 A-hits.  If I'm really on, perhaps 5 SHO.  (Not four WHO at the moment.)   So for me, at my current level with a pistol, 14 A-hits tops.  That's about a 77% classifier score.

I'm pretty sure I can get at least 9 every time.  (That's just 4 freestyle, 3 SHO, and 2 WHO.  That's 45 points, or a 50%.)

....and if you look at the scores, you can see quite a few people who are better at SHO and WHO than I am who DIDN'T run it that way, and it killed them.  Several of those folks could shoot a 50% all day, if that was the requirement.  But since we are so used to trying to get all those shots in....well.

We probably won't run another Fixed Time classifier for a long time (cue the sighs of relief) but it is an interesting change of pace, and a useful check on whether or not you are really controlling your shooting and only pulling the trigger when the sights are on target, or whether you are just running on a timing autopilot.

Answer for most of us:  Autopilot.  Dang it.
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