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Watch your Amazon Echos and more...

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Recently a case in  murder case in Arkansas led to the Police department requesting the recordings made by the suspects Amazon Echo from Amazon. Amazon denied the request for recordings but did provide the account information and purchases.

Amazon's statement:

--- Quote ---"Amazon will not release customer information without a valid and binding legal demand properly served on us. Amazon objects to overbroad or otherwise inappropriate demands as a matter of course."
--- End quote ---

Of most importance is the note at the bottom of the article that the recordings are stored on the Amazon servers until you delete them individually or in bulk.

This is important as a privacy matter since Amazon not only keeps these recordings until you delete them but the device will sometimes start a recording, or "utterance" as Amazon calls them, because it thought you used the keyword and that recording is on their servers as well.

For those of you that are using Siri or the Android equivalent, you basically have an open mic on your phones and devices as well and that information might be stored as well.  I have the Android assistant disabled on my phone, but many a time my wife and I have been driving along in my truck talking about something and suddenly hear "Say a command" from the Garmin on my dashboard.
For a little fun yell out "Hey Siri" in a crowd and watch how many phones fire up.

Just think of how often your phone hears things as well.  ;)


--- Quote from: Mali on December 28, 2016, 09:36:29 AM ---
For a little fun yell out "OK Google, Hey Siri" in a crowd and watch how many phones fire up.

--- End quote ---
There... that would make it *really* fun :)
Guess I'll stop asking Alexa how to commit the perfect murder....

A flip phone or smartphone is always listening, even when you turn it off.    Take the battery out if you don't want eavesdropping.
iPhones don't let you remove batteries.  Siri is always listening.  Some Androids feature user replaceable batteries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on December 28, 2016, 11:24:24 AM ---A flip phone or smartphone is always listening, even when you turn it off.    Take the battery out if you don't want eavesdropping.
iPhones don't let you remove batteries.  Siri is always listening.  Some Androids feature user replaceable batteries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---


If you think you can escape eavesdropping ... good luck.


--- Quote from: GreyGeek on December 28, 2016, 11:24:24 AM ---A flip phone or smartphone is always listening, even when you turn it off.    Take the battery out if you don't want eavesdropping.
iPhones don't let you remove batteries.  Siri is always listening.  Some Androids feature user replaceable batteries.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

--- End quote ---
This is 100% NOT TRUE. What makes you believe this is accurate? Any evidence? Can you imagine the infrastructure that would have to be in place for this?
As for the Amazon device, it's designed to record for a couple seconds at a time, and those recordings are scanned for the "wake up" word. If it's not detected, that short recording is deleted and it looks at the next couple seconds. It's not literally recording everything it can pick up 24/7.
There are many reasons to be paranoid of this technology, but learn how it works before you decide you don't want it in your house.


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