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Author Topic: Anyone own a Robarm XCR?  (Read 1160 times)

Offline Hardwood83

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Anyone own a Robarm XCR?
« on: January 02, 2010, 03:05:56 PM »
I've been reading about them lately and am intrigued. Although I'm not likely to get one right away, I am interested for possibly later this year (if/when their gen 3 stock comes out?) So does anybody here have an experience with them? How do they handle, shoot, hold-up etc? Anyplace in the Omaha area stock them so I could fondle one?
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Offline f1fanatic

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Re: Anyone own a Robarm XCR?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 04:46:32 PM »
Well, I don't own one but I have been very interested in these as well and have done quite a bit of research.

My interest in this weapon comes from my interest in new generation milspec rifles such as the SCAR or ACR. The XCR is very similar. 9 out of 10 reports from an owner are glowingly positive and the 1 negative might not even be considered one as it is usually revolves around an attribute an owner might change of an otherwise perfect weapon.

The biggest complaint I see is that the weapon is slightly heavier than an AR. One other note was the release button to separate the upper from the lower. Some have noted that it could possibly be bumped in a situation causing the rifle to open at an inopportune time. This was speculated tho.

People say it is very accurate and being a piston gun, runs clean and cool. I like the fact that it is a non-reciprocating, side-charging weapon. And the bolt catch/release is nearly identical to the ACR or an AR with a B.A.D. lever.

There are some cool youtube videos on the XCR out there.

I do not know of any distributors in Nebraska for XCR.

Also of note: Apparently there was a previous item that robarm put to market that got terrible reviews. But the XCR has been raved by it's customers and they have said great things about their customer service.

Hope this helps a little. 

Offline Hardwood83

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Re: Anyone own a Robarm XCR?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 10:34:12 AM »
Thanks for the info f1fanatic- I have done some more research too and as of now am looking to get an XCR sometime in the not too distant future. Besides the benefits you mention I like that it's been out for a while and some kinks have been worked out (unlike ACR), that you can easily change calibers and spare parts are available (unlike SCAR). The fact it's 40% cheaper then a SCAR doesn't hurt either!
Virtually everyone that HAS one loves it, the negative info appears to come from those who don't own one and speculate about it, like a potential 'issue' I saw mentioned about the barrel retention screw possibly working loose. I asked about it on ar.15.com and several owners assured me it's never been a problem for them, despite several 1000's of rounds.

I have watched several of the youtube vids and read through the XCR forum and XCR carbine forum.

It appears the closest stocking dealer is in Missouri, which is too bad, as I'd like to handle one before dropping $1500! If you pick one up PLEASE post a report and pics.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud