I'm paying $39/mo from TWC for what is supposed to be 25Mb/s bandwidth, but it rarely goes over 18 mb/s, or 75% of advertised. Taking over, Spectrum is offering a bundle for $99 that includes a 60Mb connection, a useless VOIP phone and some cable TV channels. We quit cable TV years ago because it is worthless. Paying money to watch 20-30-40 and 50 year old TV shoes and movies? Obscene. I plugged in a digital antenna with an amplifier and get 21 local OTA channels. News, weather and golden oldies. Enough for me.
Allo won't be west of 40th at Pine Lake for another year or two, and even then their 20Mb/s connection will cost $45/mo, which is NO bargin. NelNet bought Allo a year ago and it looks like they are price colluding with Spectrum. If I want 100Mb/s it will cost $65/mo. If I were to buy the 1Gb/s service for $90/mo I'd need to buy a faster Ethernet card and/or faster wifi. 802.g only does 54Mb/s and 802.n does 300Mb/s
So I guess I am stuck in the grass.