The only drawback I can see is being limited to shooting only 4 guns.
I dunno, I'm pretty much maxed out with Production, Rimfire Pistol Irons, Rimfire Rifle Optics, and Pistol-Caliber Carbine Optics.
I mean, I HAVE guns for more divisions than that, but.....these are the guns I actually SHOOT. ( WOULD be amusing to borrow an 8-shot 9mm revolver with a red dot from someone and try that in Optical Sight Revolver. I'd be horrible, but it would be fun...)
One of the things that I really love about Steel Challenge is that OTHER than really tiny guns (which you can still shoot, the limited capacity just means you can NEVER MISS), pretty much every centerfire pistol or .22 rimfire firearm can fit in a division SOMEWHERE.
- Have an old Ruger Mark I? Great. Rimfire Pistol Irons!
- Bought yourself a new S&W Victory, switched out the barrel to a TacSol integrated comped one, and put a dot on it? Great. Rimfire Pistol Optics!
- Got a Kel-Tec Sub2000 in .40S&W with iron sights? Pistol-caliber carbine irons!
- Bought a Just Right Carbine and put a dot on it? Pistol-caliber carbine optics!
- Glock 17? S&W M&P? XDm? Perfectly good. Production.
- Stippled, undercut trigger guard, slide serrations Glock 17? STI? Any 2011? Limited!
- Went all out and got yourself a SERIOUS Open gun? Or maybe have an old bowling pin gun with a dot? Perhaps a Bianchi Open gun? Great! Shoot Open!
- Got that trusty 1911? Excellent. Single stack!
- Don't trust the reliability of anything but a quality revolver? Got it! Iron Sight Revolver!
- Got a Ruger 10/22 in stock condition? Perfectly good! Rimfire Rifle Irons.
- Bought a S&W 15-22, put a compensator on it, and added a good red dot optic? Rimfire Rifle Optics.
...something for EVERYONE.
You only need a holster for centerfire pistol divisions. (Everything else starts at low ready, so you'll just carry your gun bagged the rest of the time.) So: Gun, holster (if centerfire pistol), ammunition, and magazines. (PLEASE at least three, but preferably 5 so no one has to quickly reload them for you in the middle of your strings of fire.)
....and that's it. That's all the equipment you need.
Try it!
Not sure about trying it at a Level II match? Then come out next Sunday the 19th and try it in a local match! See here for details:,16436.0.htmlOnce you try it, you'll love it. Seriously. You will.
You should probably just go to the
Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship website and register now. You are going to want to anyway.