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Author Topic: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............  (Read 2588 times)

Offline SemperFiGuy

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I Bought this dinky little Jiminez mousegun:   JA-22LR    6+1   Fixed barrel   Made mostly of carburetor (pot) metal

At 13th Street Jewelry & Loan, local Omaha pawn shop which does FFL transfers for $10Buck$.   I was there to pick up coupla other guns bought on Gunbroker.com.

OK>>Prolonged pause while everybody jeers, hoots, and throws stuff.
Yes...I know the fuss from the audience is not all over with now, but let's move on with whatever story we can make of it.


And before buying, I did actually know that Those Guns are pronounced, "Jammm-I-Nes".   

It's kind of like going to the Dollar Store and seeing a tool and asking, "Three tools for a dollar...How can it go wrong."   And of course it does.

But I hadda try it out.
   It was $110 Buck$ plus tax, out the door.   (I've wasted more than that on PowerBall tickets over the past coupla years, with nothin' to show for it.   And the gun has TWO magazines.)  And--although a straight blowback device--it actually has an extractor.

Took it to the range.
  It lived up to its name and produced sequential FTFeed, FTFire, FTEject results, one after the other.   Sometimes all at once.   There were occasional 2-3-4 round bursts, but not many.   Nicely accurate, with that little short fixed barrel.   Sure did hit where aiming.  That is, when it actually shot off a round.   But mostly it wuz a very dependable Jammer.

For ammo I tried 4-5 kinds of .22LR. coupla hunnert rounds, total:
>Win 36gr  1280fps
>Win 40gr   Wildcat
>Win 40gr   M-22
>Federal Lightning  (No gr.wt. indicated/really old stuff)

Surprisingly, the Federal ammo produced the few 2-3-4 round sequences that occurred.

Then I moved up to CCI Mini-Mag 36gr 1260 fps and got off most of a mag, coupla times.

Now, jthhapkido of this Forum has always suggested practice as a means to achieving solid performance.   He would be proud of all the practice I got clearing jams.   Especially because it was so bloomin' cold at the range.   Not to mention that my soft, sissy professor hands got all torn up and bloody by the plastic flashing on the trigger and other sharp edges on that pot-metal gun.   (And no........It wasn't slide cuts.)

Brought the gun home, did some buffing and tweaking of the mating parts, slide, magazines, extractor, etc.   Gonna go try it out again.

Next Move:
Well, I bought 800 rounds of CCI Stinger 32gr 1640fps ammo and will run what I can through the gun to see if I can run it to total, abject destruction.

Will report back in due time.



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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2017, 05:11:32 PM »
I Bought this dinky little Jiminez mousegun:   JA-22LR    6+1   Fixed barrel   Made mostly of carburetor (pot) metal

At 13th Street Jewelry & Loan, local Omaha pawn shop which does FFL transfers for $10Buck$.   I was there to pick up coupla other guns bought on Gunbroker.com.

OK>>Prolonged pause while everybody jeers, hoots, and throws stuff.
Yes...I know the fuss from the audience is not all over with now, but let's move on with whatever story we can make of it.


And before buying, I did actually know that Those Guns are pronounced, "Jammm-I-Nes".   

It's kind of like going to the Dollar Store and seeing a tool and asking, "Three tools for a dollar...How can it go wrong."   And of course it does.

But I hadda try it out.
   It was $110 Buck$ plus tax, out the door.   (I've wasted more than that on PowerBall tickets over the past coupla years, with nothin' to show for it.   And the gun has TWO magazines.)  And--although a straight blowback device--it actually has an extractor.

Took it to the range.
  It lived up to its name and produced sequential FTFeed, FTFire, FTEject results, one after the other.   Sometimes all at once.   There were occasional 2-3-4 round bursts, but not many.   Nicely accurate, with that little short fixed barrel.   Sure did hit where aiming.  That is, when it actually shot off a round.   But mostly it wuz a very dependable Jammer.

For ammo I tried 4-5 kinds of .22LR. coupla hunnert rounds, total:
>Win 36gr  1280fps
>Win 40gr   Wildcat
>Win 40gr   M-22
>Federal Lightning  (No gr.wt. indicated/really old stuff)

Surprisingly, the Federal ammo produced the few 2-3-4 round sequences that occurred.

Then I moved up to CCI Mini-Mag 36gr 1260 fps and got off most of a mag, coupla times.

Now, jthhapkido of this Forum has always suggested practice as a means to achieving solid performance.   He would be proud of all the practice I got clearing jams.   Especially because it was so bloomin' cold at the range.   Not to mention that my soft, sissy professor hands got all torn up and bloody by the plastic flashing on the trigger and other sharp edges on that pot-metal gun.   (And no........It wasn't slide cuts.)

Brought the gun home, did some buffing and tweaking of the mating parts, slide, magazines, extractor, etc.   Gonna go try it out again.

Next Move:
Well, I bought 800 rounds of CCI Stinger 32gr 1640fps ammo and will run what I can through the gun to see if I can run it to total, abject destruction.

Will report back in due time.


Sometimes thats what they need........abject destruction. 
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 05:13:58 PM by Les »

Offline abbafandr

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2017, 07:07:43 PM »
Hoots of derisive laughter :laugh:
Well you did encourage it :P

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2017, 07:43:41 PM »
how did it group?

did you lube it up/clean it before the range?

pics or it didn't happen!
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2017, 08:14:43 PM »
how did it group?

did you lube it up/clean it before the range?

pics or it didn't happen

With all the trials, tribulations, and bleeding fingers, whatnot, I actually shot close to 200 rounds through it.   It blew the red dot out of the middle of an 8-inch black reactive target at maybe...15-16 feet I wuz shooting, whatever.

Before shooting I did disassemble the handgun for cleaning, lubing, and a look at the innards.   (Then spent about 25-30 minutes crawling around on the floor looking for the parts that flew all over the place when I field stripped the gun.)   Cleaned out the factory shavings from metalworking operations.   

When you field strip a brannew gun, put the gun and any needed tools inside a HUGE transparent plastic bag.   Only then put in your hands and go to work.

I'll get some pics up of the gun.   Targets are gone until the Stingers get shot.

Coulda FrogLubed it first, but wanted to shoot it and see where the wear takes place.   Wuzn't where I thought it would be.

Guns are Fun.
Even dinky wunz, like the Jammer.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 08:53:12 PM by SemperFiGuy »
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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2017, 08:26:49 AM »
Stingers...in a Jiminez?

Wear eye pro!  And gloves!  And a bomb suit!

(I'm only half joking, really.  I know you are smart enough to always wear eye pro, but.....I'd actually kinda serious about the gloves thing.  Rapid spontaneous energetic dis-assembly is a known issue with a Jiminez, and with Stingers....hm.)

As for being embarrassed at buying a Jiminez.....

...I actually own a Davis two-shot .22 LR derringer.  With pearl grips.  Memento that never lets me forget that even normal people buy stupid things sometimes.  (You know, the derringer where if you load it and lock it shut without bringing the hammer to half-cock, it might go off because the firing pin sticks out a little unless it is at least at half-cock?  Yeah, one of those.)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 07:06:29 PM by jthhapkido »
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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2017, 09:44:17 AM »
Do the bursts make it definable as a machinegun?  Are you in violation of the NFA for being in possession of it?  And now everyone knows. 
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2017, 01:04:19 PM »
[quote]Are you in violation of the NFA for being in possession of it? [/quote]

Just thinkin' about guns is probably a violation of the NFA, BAFTE, Sullivan Act, Mann Act..........whatever.

Even involuntary dreamin'...........

And jthhapkido's advice on damage control is right on "target".   RSED, indeed!! :laugh:

I've already had one blow up and wasn't even tryin'.

We'll see how it goes.


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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2017, 06:08:04 PM »
This Dinky-Little-Piece-of-Junk-Jiminez JA-22-Is Fantastic!!!

It has given me some entirely new insights into the Mysterious Inner World of Wimmen.   And how They think.   Or whatever.

Let's Go Ahead and Set it Up:
We all know of really bodacious wimmen--total feminiine knockouts--who somehow take up with some Poor Sorry Specimen of Mankind who is truly a Loser.   Big time Loser.   Maybe we even get a bit envious or sumthin'.    Like jealous:   Fer cryin' out loud, why did she pick Him??   Why not Meeeeeeeeeeeee????

Her idea is that--sorry specimen he is--her love will save him!!!   She can fix him!!!   Then turn him over to one of her lesser BFFs or maybe a rival.

We all know that it never works out and there's a Whole Great Big World of Hurt to be gained.   And all her friends will say I told you so and Her Dad will really be steamed.

Truth is, Girls.............  Some of us on the Other Gender Side are so sorry that no amount of your love will save us.   Just ain't gonna happen.   Too bad, your heartbreak and all.   Oh, well.
Let's now bring in the Jiminez  [It's the Poor Sorry Specimen of Handguns]

Yes.   I knew it even before I bought it.   Researched up, down, and thoroughly on the Web.   Knew that it wuz called the "Jammomatic" and the "Jam-in-nez".   Absolutely knew all that.

Still bought it.

And have now put about 3000 rounds of .22LR Everything through it:   Maybe 10-12 different kinds of stuff, 1080fps up to CCI Stingers at 1640fps.   And Velocitors.   And MiniMags.   And Remington Thunderbolts and Golden Bullets.   And Federal bulk, both kinds.   

FTEs, Stovepipes, FTFs, Failures to go into Battery, Failures to ___________________________.   Many interesting and innovative kinds of stoppages.

But some successes, too.   Some fluffing.   Some buffing.   Some grinding.   Bit of oil here, grease there.  Some slide spring and striker pin spring stretching.   
Even some cleaning.

A few times I've been able to fire up to four full six (6) round magazines rapid fire, just gangbusters.   No malfunctions a-tall.
The Lady imagines her Sorry Man giving up the booze and drugs, maybe taking some classes at the Community College.   Having something like a job.   Getting along with her mother (forget the Father, forever).   Maybe buying a suit.   Or at least a sportcoat.   And trading in his rusty old Honda Civic.

I imagine loading up that Jiminez JA-22 with CCI Stingers, 6+1, slipping it in my pocket, easing out the door into the darkening night, confident that I am well prepared for any sort of contingency, knowing full well that I have finally, finally brought it up to the peak of reliable performance, Kimber Commander equivalent.

I really don't understand wimmen, but now I understand them.....................better.



Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2017, 06:22:50 PM »
This Dinky-Little-Piece-of-Junk-Jiminez JA-22-Is Fantastic!!!

It has given me some entirely new insights into the Mysterious Inner World of Wimmen.   And how They think.   Or whatever.

Let's Go Ahead and Set it Up:
We all know of really bodacious wimmen--total feminiine knockouts--who somehow take up with some Poor Sorry Specimen of Mankind who is truly a Loser.   Big time Loser.   Maybe we even get a bit envious or sumthin'.    Like jealous:   Fer cryin' out loud, why did she pick Him??   Why not Meeeeeeeeeeeee????

Her idea is that--sorry specimen he is--her love will save him!!!   She can fix him!!!   Then turn him over to one of her lesser BFFs or maybe a rival.

We all know that it never works out and there's a Whole Great Big World of Hurt to be gained.   And all her friends will say I told you so and Her Dad will really be steamed.

Truth is, Girls.............  Some of us on the Other Gender Side are so sorry that no amount of your love will save us.   Just ain't gonna happen.   Too bad, your heartbreak and all.   Oh, well.
Let's now bring in the Jiminez  [It's the Poor Sorry Specimen of Handguns]

Yes.   I knew it even before I bought it.   Researched up, down, and thoroughly on the Web.   Knew that it wuz called the "Jammomatic" and the "Jam-in-nez".   Absolutely knew all that.

Still bought it.

And have now put about 3000 rounds of .22LR Everything through it:   Maybe 10-12 different kinds of stuff, 1080fps up to CCI Stingers at 1640fps.   And Velocitors.   And MiniMags.   And Remington Thunderbolts and Golden Bullets.   And Federal bulk, both kinds.   

FTEs, Stovepipes, FTFs, Failures to go into Battery, Failures to ___________________________.   Many interesting and innovative kinds of stoppages.

But some successes, too.   Some fluffing.   Some buffing.   Some grinding.   Bit of oil here, grease there.  Some slide spring and striker pin spring stretching.   
Even some cleaning.

A few times I've been able to fire up to four full six (6) round magazines rapid fire, just gangbusters.   No malfunctions a-tall.
The Lady imagines her Sorry Man giving up the booze and drugs, maybe taking some classes at the Community College.   Having something like a job.   Getting along with her mother (forget the Father, forever).   Maybe buying a suit.   Or at least a sportcoat.   And trading in his rusty old Honda Civic.

I imagine loading up that Jiminez JA-22 with CCI Stingers, 6+1, slipping it in my pocket, easing out the door into the darkening night, confident that I am well prepared for any sort of contingency, knowing full well that I have finally, finally brought it up to the peak of reliable performance, Kimber Commander equivalent.

I really don't understand wimmen, but now I understand them.....................better.




Sounds to me like you are now ready for your new rifle.......the mini 14.  Make it shoot, we salute you sir.  Of course with the wimmen, you're on your own. 

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2017, 06:27:56 PM »
 Its against the rules to understand Wimmen.   its in there rule book that no man has ever seen,, and if any man ever developes the ability to understand any one of the rules,, then that rule is automatically changed.
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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2017, 09:29:01 PM »
SemperFiGuy - I have read yer previous posts with great interest and enthusiasm. The fact that you have chalk dust on your hands along with gunpowder and Hoppe's No 9 always led me to trust your judgement. This last post, however, leads me to believe that you have stripped your gears, fell out of sync, and gone just plain knutz.  Please keep up the great work!!!

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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2017, 10:18:03 PM »
This last post, however, leads me to believe that you have stripped your gears, fell out of sync, and gone just plain knutz.


It takes years and years and years to build up even the least little bit of positive reputation around here.

And just one little Jiminez JA-22 will destroy it forever.


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Re: Really Embarrassing to Confess This One, But Anyway..............
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2017, 06:35:54 AM »


It takes years and years and years to build up even the least little bit of positive reputation around here.

And just one little Jiminez JA-22 will destroy it forever.


Naaaaa, keep on pluggin' away.  Always makes me smile.