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Author Topic: Celebrities lol  (Read 577 times)

Offline Les

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Celebrities lol
« on: February 10, 2017, 06:10:26 PM »

Offline Mali

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Re: Celebrities lol
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 06:19:28 PM »
So I was flying all the time and they took away my pen because it was a "weapon" but this schmuck can get a loaded GUN on a plane?!?  How the heck do you get that through TSA check points, fly private to avoid them?
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Offline Les

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Re: Celebrities lol
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2017, 06:31:15 PM »
So I was flying all the time and they took away my pen because it was a "weapon" but this schmuck can get a loaded GUN on a plane?!?  How the heck do you get that through TSA check points, fly private to avoid them?

Myself and another installed the metal detectors and conveyors with all the applicable controls at LNK, I can assure you they aren't infallible, they'll allow lots to pass.  Just not consistent, apparently Rick has been getting by, but ignorance is no excuse.   

Offline JAK

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Re: Celebrities lol
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2017, 06:51:53 PM »
You have to remember that the biggest factor in the effectiveness of the system is the individual operating the machine.  TSA screeners are not highly paid or highly trained.  Look on USAJOBS some time and see what the qualifications are for the job.

From what I have seen, the screening process at our airports is security theater.  It makes the uninformed think that something is being done to prevent weapons on airplanes.

John K

Offline GreyGeek

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Celebrities lol
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2017, 07:14:46 AM »
That's what "common sense" infringements of the 2A gets us.  A crazy quilt of arbitrary laws that create hoops to jump through that requires we pay for the "unalienable right" to bear arms.  If they are allowed by the sheeple to do that to the 2A how long will it be before "common sense" results in hoops & fees to exercise our 1A rights?

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« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 12:47:51 PM by GreyGeek »