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Author Topic: Completely unacceptable  (Read 812 times)

Offline Les

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Completely unacceptable
« on: February 25, 2017, 08:25:03 AM »
Yet another reason to stay out of California.  I don't know how Sheriffs Department figures this has anything to do public safety.  Public shaming yes, but not safety.  That info should be completely private no FOIA. http://eastcountytoday.net/sheriffs-office-releases-ccw-permit-holders-names-and-locations-to-abc7/

Offline Mali

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Re: Completely unacceptable
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 09:28:25 AM »
I would think that the information would be protected but then this is California and they will do whatever they want to persons that have firearms because "firearms bad".
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Offline m morton

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Re: Completely unacceptable
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2017, 11:07:37 AM »
that is just shameful

next we will hear that people on that list are getting their houses broke in to. bad guys looking for guns.

it will come down to some one at abc7 needing a slow news day story
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

Offline HuskerXDM

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Re: Completely unacceptable
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2017, 08:19:26 AM »
Guess it's time to publish the names and addresses of all of the employees of ABC7
The master has failed more than the beginner has even tried.

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Completely unacceptable
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2017, 10:27:48 AM »
He also added that 17% of all applicants are approved.
So 317 CCW applicants were approved out of over 1,500.    80% of applicants do not "qualify" for 2A rights!!!    That's what living in a Leftist utopia results in ... the inability for 80% of those wanting to protect themselves, their loved ones and property.   And just think, the police are only 9 minutes away if you need them, on average and IF they come at all,  and most violent offenses are over in under 3 minutes.

Offline RageTherapy

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Re: Completely unacceptable
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2017, 05:44:01 PM »
I would think that the information would be protected but then this is California and they will do whatever they want to persons that have firearms because "firearms bad".

This is the same state that has a law on the books where names of elected officials cannot be put online on property assessment websites.  Confidentiality for me, not for thee.