These laws started with Montana and about a dozen other states have passed laws based upon theirs. Gary Marbut started the ball rolling on this and championed it in court, with his case falling apart after funding issues Federal Lawsuits are very expensive and time consuming. Four years ago the NFOA had a similar bill introduced in our legislature, this had multiple purposes: first show support for and help push the lawsuit forward which had stalled in the appeals court (our having a bill introduced in encouraged several other states to propose these bills and a couple of them got them passed, I believe Kansas was one of them). This renewed interest in the law pushed the appeals court to make a ruling sending the case back to the lower court for a hearing that had been dismissed previously. This also brought up many other issues and information gained is still helping our lobbyists as they work on issues in the legislature. As others have pointed out this is not strictly a 2A issue but,ore a Commerce Clause verses the 10th amendment issue. With having had many discussions with Federal Cival Rights attorneys we need to recognize that the federal courts will not back these claims, the Supreme Court has extended the powers of the Feds under the Comerece Clause well beyond its intended reach, without a Supreme Court interested in ignoring its own case law and rewriting the rules these cases are dead.