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Author Topic: 2017 Great Plains USPSA Sectional Championship  (Read 3764 times)

Offline GreatPlains

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2017 Great Plains USPSA Sectional Championship
« on: May 10, 2017, 08:31:39 AM »
The Eastern Nebraska Gun Club is again hosting the Great Plains Sectional match, which will be held on July 2nd.  (Technically, July 1st and 2nd, though almost all the competitors will shoot on Sunday the 2nd.)

Match website with information, registration and payment links, and the matchbook and stage diagrams


This is a Level II USPSA Championship, so:

1) You must register, pay, and squad yourself in advance.  See the website for links and instructions on how to do exactly that.
2) You must be a USPSA member to shoot this match.  (If you aren't a member yet, head to USPSA.org and join up!)

Match:  10 stages, approximately 243 rounds minimum, shot in a one-day format.  Staff will shoot Saturday, regular competitors will shoot Sunday. (If you must shoot the match on Saturday, contact the Match Director for permission and squadding.)

Cost:  $85 if paid before June 16th, $95 after that.  Match shirts are available for order, must be pre-paid.  (Extra match shirts will not be available for purchase at the match--you MUST pre-order and pay in advance.)  One lunch ticket is included in match fee.  (Additional food will be sold at the match.)

Hope to see you at the match!

Offline GreatPlains

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Re: 2017 Great Plains USPSA Sectional Championship
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 07:31:01 AM »
Not only is the Sectional match good to shoot in and of itself, but it is ALSO a good warmup for the Area 3 match that will be held in Grand Island the following month. 

For those who haven't shot a major USPSA match yet, "Sectional" matches are roughly the equivalent of a state championship, and "Area" matches are the equivalent of a regional championship.   

The Great Plains Section includes clubs in Nebraska and South Dakota, and we belong to the Area 3 region.  Area 3 encompasses Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, and Kansas. 

I'll note that in the cases of both matches, we are well-known enough for having great matches that people from all over the U.S. come to shoot.  (And if you are from our section but looking around for more matches, the Free State Championship in Kansas will be held on July 8th, and the Iowa Sectional will be held on September 15th.)

Great Plains Sectional Website: 

Area 3 Championship Website:  https://www.uspsa3.com/