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Author Topic: Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship 2018 -- save the date of April 14/15!  (Read 5524 times)

Offline GreatPlains

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Just an early heads-up that the 2018 Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship will be held on April 14th and 15th, so you can make sure to keep that open on your calendars!

More info to come as we continue to put together details---but we at least wanted to make sure you knew the date. (We had 215 guns in the match last year---hoping to have an even better turnout this year!)

The Eastern Nebraska Gun Club is planning on holding four local Level I Steel Challenge matches between now and the Championship:  Nov 19, Jan 22, Feb 18, and Mar 18.  So make sure to come out and try out different some divisions (and get some practice) before the big match!

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The 2017 match was the largest level 2 match so far this year according to USPSA  statistics

Offline GreatPlains

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The 2017 match was the largest level 2 match so far this year according to USPSA  statistics

Matter of fact, our this-year's-match was larger than all of the level II matches last year, too!

On the other hand, WE increased our numbers a lot, so we'll see if the others this year have the same sorts of increase.  Considering we came close to doubling our number of shooting entries compared to last year, I doubt it...   :)

...and hopefully next year will be even bigger for us! 

Offline GreatPlains

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The website is now available for anyone interested in competing in the 2018 Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship on April 14th and 15th, which will be held at the Eastern Nebraska Gun Club near Louisville, NE.

You do NOT have to be a member of USPSA, Steel Challenge, or ENGC to shoot the match.

Competitors will shoot all eight official courses of fire in half-day days.  Four blocks (Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon) will be available for squadding.  The match fee is $25 for the first division, and $15 for any additional divisions after that.  Competitors may register to shoot in up to four divisions. 

Competitors may shoot up to two divisions per shooting block--so if (for example) you are shooting three divisions, you can shoot two in one block, and the third in another.  Or shoot one division per block for three separate blocks.  (Example:  Shooter is competing in Production, Rimfire Rifle Optics, and Rimfire Pistol Irons.  They decide they want to shoot two divisions in the Saturday morning block, and one Sunday morning.  On both days, they will finish shooting by noon.  Someone else shooting the same three divisions wants to keep them all separate, and he has a family event Saturday afternoon, so he chooses to shoot one gun each on Saturday morning, Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon.) 

In addition to normal division and category awards, this year the Championship will also be awarding class awards for any class that has at least 10 competitors in the division and a minimum of five in the class in the division.  (Unclassified shooters will not receive class awards--this particular award is specific to members of USPSA/SCSA who have attained a classification in their division.)

Match website: https://www.easternnebraskapracticalshooters.com/pages/great-plains-steel-challenge-championship

On the match website is further information including registration and payment links, and the matchbook. 

We look forward to seeing you at the match!

If you want to join USPSA/SCSA prior to the match, ENGC will be holding 3 SC matches prior to the Championship, and each match contains enough stages to classify.  As such, if you joined USPSA/SCSA now, and shot all three matches, you could be classified in three different divisions before the match!  USPSA member link:  https://uspsa.org/join  Information about the SC matches at ENGC can be found at:  http://enps.us

Offline GreatPlains

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Last year we had 215 guns in the match, which was a record number of guns (by FAR) for a Level II Steel Challenge match in Nebraska.  (Over twice the previous record.)

Registration has been open for 23 days for the 2018 Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship, and we already have 198 guns registered.

And we still have about 77 registration days left.

So I'm thinking we are going to be setting a new record this year.   ;D

Sign up now!

(The sooner you sign up, the better your chances of squadding where you want to squad.  As you can tell, squads are filling up FAST.)

Offline GreatPlains

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We are now up to 253 guns registered, so we'll definitely be beating our record from last year.

Now....can we beat the overall record for Level II matches for last year?  :)

The Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship was the second-largest Level II match held in all of 2017.   (Matter of fact, we were larger than one Level III match, and almost larger than a second Level III match.)  The largest Level II match had 259 entries---so it would be nice to beat that for this year.  (Though they'll probably also increase, too.)

Remember:  You don't have to be a member of USPSA/SCSA to shoot a Steel Challenge Level II match.  That being said, if you aren't a member but have been thinking about it, you can join now (http://uspsa.org/join) and shoot the ENPS SC match this coming Sunday (https://practiscore.com/enps-march-2018-steel-challenge-match/register) and get yourself classified--or you can shoot the SC match down at the Heartland Shooting Park in Grand Island on April 8th (https://practiscore.com/hpsp-april-steel-challenge-monthly-match/register), and get classified there, too!  (Or better yet, shoot BOTH and get classified in two different divisions before the Championship....)

If you register for the 2018 Great Plains Steel Challenge Championship now, you can pay and get yourself squadded.  (We ARE getting full, so squadding is getting tight.)  If you join USPSA/SCSA, you can always use your registration link to go back and update your member number.  The link there takes you to the Championship website, which gives you info along with registration/payment links, plus a link to the matchbook.

Hope to see you at the match!

Offline GreatPlains

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Well, even with the snow and bad weather, we still had 204 entries in the match!

Congratulations to the winners, and we'll see you all next year!

Match results on Practiscore:

Match results on SteelChallenge.com:

Awards list: