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Author Topic: Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before  (Read 960 times)

Offline SemperFiGuy

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Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before
« on: September 21, 2017, 06:30:29 PM »
Tell you the Truth, I never understood it this way before.   That is, why the Leftist-Regressive-Dimmocrats are so outraged at the thought of individual citizens owning firearms and using them for self-defense in today's very dangerous world.

Anyhow, I just now lifted this post off Breitbart:

Guy writes:
My opinion is the Hard Left despises armed citizens for 2 reasons: First, it robs the "street level" of government (the police) of its usefulness, which may encourage a free thinker to vote for smaller government; second: the armed citizen will more than likely end up shooting a democrat voter, causing them to lose elections because segments of their voting base have been extinguished.

It's crystal clear crystal now.   Clear as a bell.   Of course.   No Wonder!!


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Offline Mntnman

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Re: Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 09:19:45 PM »
Democrats shoot each other plenty, mostly where their rulers have "disarmed" them.

Offline Hardwood83

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Re: Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2017, 07:37:17 AM »
Democrats shoot each other plenty, mostly where their rulers have "disarmed" them.

Over 500 in Chitcago already this year. 500! It's not good, but as long as they keep killing each other, I won't lose much sleep over it.
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud

Offline depserv

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Re: Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2017, 10:11:05 AM »
I agree with the guy's points.  Here's my version of it:

The free world, including our country, is embroiled in a war between those who want to be free and those who want to be unfree; that war is mostly cold but it is still very real.  The war is being fought on three fronts: it is political, cultural, and religious.  Those who levy war against freedom are absolutely ruthless, and totally committed to their cause.  Ernie Chambers is an example of an officer in that war, and his behavior is a microcosm of it.

Ernie does not want the people he hates, meaning the good guys, killing the people he likes, meaning those who seek to prey on us.  He knows who his friends and supporters are and he knows who his enemy is.  Consider the gangs of liberal bigots calling themselves antifa and BLM for example.  They only commit the violence they are known for because they know the police are there to protect them.  Move the police out of the way and let Billy Bob and his buddies come in and in no time at all these wannabe thugs will be laying on the ground sucking their thumb and crying for their mommy.  And this is true of street crime too, though to a lesser degree, since they are usually more careful in choosing their victims.

Likewise, the enemy of freedom knows the power in symbolism and in propaganda.  Propaganda affects attitudes, making the subjects of it more likely to do what the propagandist wants them to do.  Being armed gives a person the feeling of having control over his own fate, along with the responsibility that goes with it.  And these attitudes are the nemesis of attempts to expand government control over us.  Being unarmed leads a person to want a bigger and stronger big brother protector, with nothing restraining his ability to protect them.

I don't think any of this goes through the minds of anti-gun bigots.  I think that's all figured out subconsciously.  All they know is they have a bad feeling about citizens being armed.  So they look for excuses to justify that feeling.  And that gives birth to what we all know of as the lies of gun control.   
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.


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Re: Incredible New Insight: Never Saw It Put This Way Before
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2017, 07:55:31 AM »
This is a generalization of course but the problems we have today stems from fundamental differences between two groups.

There is me and others like me, who support law enforcement, but when a strange noise goes boom in the night they grab their gun and prepare to defend their family.

Then there is the other group that hears the noise and immediately retreated to their safe space and calls the police to defend them

The first group when faced with a bully stands up to them while the second group demands the government or their,school or employer do something to protect them and to provide a safe space for them.

The first group knows there is evil in the world and while glad we have law enforcement and our military to defend against it we do not rely solely on it. We know we are our,own and families first line of defense.

The second group mocks us for being prepared and independent of government.

Seriously, I see these people who get offended about any little thing, who get triggered because someone says something and who demand safe spaces and wonder if we were ever attacked by another country here what they would do.

I know I and those like me would resist, but I also know that second group would be no help and probably would aid the invaders to save themselves.