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Author Topic: UNL English Dept.  (Read 1718 times)

Offline Les

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Offline RobertH

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2017, 11:54:13 AM »
i have quite the range of people on my Facebook friend's list... i saw a few posting about this.  the posts ranged from saying Mullen was a snowflake and neo-fascist, the UNL lecturer who was fired is a martyr for free speech, this is how free speech dies, the University buckled from neo-fascist nut jobs, the comments section makes me mad, etc, etc, etc.
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Offline hilowe

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2017, 04:46:49 PM »
More than one down. 

Lawton, the graduate teaching assistant, is gone (thankfully).

Steve Smith, news director, is gone.

Teresa Paulsen, "chief communication and marketing director", is gone as well.

So, two from the administration, and the one that got caught on camera flipping off a college sophomore and calling her a "neo-fascist".

There's still a few more to go, but this is at least a start.

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2017, 07:58:10 PM »
There's still a few more to go, but this is at least a start.

UNL English Department:  Pond Full of Big Leftist Fish

This academic unit appears to be a hotbed of Leftist political activity.

Amanda Gailey, a driving force in the anti-gun organization Nebraskans Against Gun Violence, is listed in the UNL directory as a member of the English Department.

It's a wonder that this department has any time left to teach English.   Appears to be over-funded compared to its mission.

Maybe we oughta invite Ms. Gailey to a Rock Your Glock event or sumthin'.......................

Lawton, the GTA, has been removed from the classroom teaching staff.   However, she probably remains as grad student in whatever academic grad program she happened to be enrolled in at the time.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:04:56 PM by SemperFiGuy »
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Offline depserv

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2017, 10:45:28 AM »
These are soldiers in a political, cultural, and religious war the liberal cult has been waging against America for decades.  Usually soldiers of this type cloak their efforts in the PC doctrine: they really only want to stop people from being offended (but it's only liberals who are protected from being offended and the truth can not be stated about certain things without them being offended; it's ok to offend gun nuts, Christians, conservatives, non-feminist women, old white men, and loyal Americans, so the result is that patriot thought is suppressed and liberal thought is promoted).  It looks like these soldiers were stupid and overzealous: they cast off their cloak and were exposed, and now they are removed from this one venue, kind of anyway.  But there are many more like them who are not stupid like they were, and are still very active in the indoctrination of their students.

We've been hearing about liberal indoctrination in the government schools for decades and now we are seeing the effects of it, in groups like Antifa for example.  Kids don't become America-hating, socialist, racist bigots committed to the suppression of patriot thought on their own; they have to be programmed to be those things.  If you look at a factory and see what goes in and what comes out you know what that factory does even without looking inside the factory.  The same thing applies to the government schools.  And sometimes we get a look inside the factory.

Exposing and removing these few operatives is good, but it's too little too late.  It will take a much greater effort to stop and reverse the effects of decades of liberal indoctrination, and I don't know if this nation has the will to do that anymore.  I hope it does, but I don't see it happening.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 10:48:17 AM by depserv »
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Offline StuartJ

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2017, 08:54:16 AM »
On July 4, 1976 I rode in a bicentennial parade in Lincoln, Nebraska. I was dressed as a "frontiersman" and felt like I was gonna die of heat stroke. Afterwards I sat in my parents car with my shirt off. I was in the car because I was painfully shy.

I don't expect to be around in 2076 for the tricentennial. That doesn't bother me, what bothers me is I don't think the country is going to make it to the tricentennial, but hopefully it collapses after I'm gone.
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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2017, 03:29:14 PM »
I can truly understand, StuartJ. I think the pendulum is moving back some and we will need to keep the pressure on to keep it swinging back. Keep in mind that they have been fighting this fight since the late 60's so this is not going to be easy to reverse.
The biggest key here is that this is a long haul struggle not a single generation effort so we need to be actively working to teach the next generations about the real history of this country and what the word Freedom really means.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. - Ronald Reagan

Offline depserv

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2017, 10:31:10 AM »
I can truly understand, StuartJ. I think the pendulum is moving back some and we will need to keep the pressure on to keep it swinging back. Keep in mind that they have been fighting this fight since the late 60's so this is not going to be easy to reverse.
The biggest key here is that this is a long haul struggle not a single generation effort so we need to be actively working to teach the next generations about the real history of this country and what the word Freedom really means.

The pendulum goes back and forth as you say my friend but the tide is going against us, and if that trend remains as it is the Republic will fall, and be replaced by some kind of socialist dictatorship.  This is explained very well in Ann coulter's book Adios America.  The points she makes are supported by facts and they are self evident once you see them.  Unless there is a fundamental change and reversal of immigration policy it is a foregone conclusion that the American Republic will die; the only question is how long it will take.

I agree though about doing what we can to educate low-information voters, counter the big lie campaigns of the liberal press, and deprogram liberal cattle.  This and immigration reform are the two critical paths to defending the Republic. 

The militia could rise up, arrest the traitors, try them, and deal with them by everything from hanging to expatriation to loss of voting rights for the ignorant cattle that allowed themselves to be used as weapons of political war.  This does not seem likely though, so the other options are probably the best we can do.
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline hilowe

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2017, 04:55:26 PM »

Offline JimP

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2017, 12:08:25 AM »
As a small L libertarian, it REALLY chaps my ass that "Libertarians" would champion a State Employee ( or several of same, depending upon which source you read) publicly attacking a student paying to attend the university that allegedly pays the salaries of the people verbally assaulting her ..... Soemthing's rotten in Lincoln....... and it can be rotten as it wants to be, IF I'm not required to fund it ...... such is not the case.  Defund UNL.  Period.
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.

Offline depserv

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2017, 10:04:24 AM »
As a small L libertarian, it REALLY chaps my ass that "Libertarians" would champion a State Employee ( or several of same, depending upon which source you read) publicly attacking a student paying to attend the university that allegedly pays the salaries of the people verbally assaulting her ..... Soemthing's rotten in Lincoln....... and it can be rotten as it wants to be, IF I'm not required to fund it ...... such is not the case.  Defund UNL.  Period.

I agree completely on defunding these places as long as they remain more indoctrination centers than education centers.  Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for the indoctrination of our children into a cult that levies war on our country.  In fact we shouldn't be forced to pay for indoctrination at all; schools should be for education.  Instilling patriotism into them would be fine if they ever decided to do that again, but programming hated of America, race hatred, class hatred, and other manifestations of liberalism into them is not ok, and we should not be forced to pay for it.

This is something I'm curious about and maybe someone has an answer: If the establishment clause makes it illegal for government schools to have organized prayer or display Christian symbols, why doesn't the free speech clause make the enforcement of PC codes illegal in the same venues?
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline Kendahl

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Re: UNL English Dept.
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2017, 05:27:34 PM »
The Libertarian Party is no longer libertarian. The kindest thing one can say about them is that they are Democrats light. Look at their choices for President and Vice President last year.