The right way to get rid of bump stocks is to legalize full auto, or at least burst fire, which never should have been outlawed in the first place. We already have too many gun control laws. Any realistic discussion of reasonable restrictions will be over which laws to get rid of, not what more to add. [And for those who might like to nitpick, I know you can buy the right to own an overpriced full auto rifle so technically they are not outlawed, but as a practical matter for most of us they might as well be, the point being that government has no business making it hard or expensive for us to have them.]
Trying to balance the budget by further infringing on a Constitutional right is an act of criminal aggression committed by traitors. How about a tax on the ownership of literature that contains thought that is unpopular with the liberal cult, would that be ok?
Trump did not get elected because voters wanted our political leaders to continue to be whores of the liberal cult. Will the Republicans in our state house stand up this time and do their duty, or will they get spanked again by Ernie Chambers and his gang of traitors?