It's amazing that someone old enough to have gray hair would be among those duped into forging their own chains. He is a reminder of why historically the freedom we have here in America is such a rare thing. I bet he hates himself for being white and a man too, if he is so easily led by propaganda.
It’s astonishing the amount of people that are over 30 that have gotten that far in life without ever actually thinking about something that they weren’t forced to. On top of that, they never really thought about many of the things that they really should have.
I am lucky in that I was blessed with insatiable curiosity and a great memory. Of all the traits that my children inherited, those are the ones I am most proud of. My kids have self investigated more of their curiosities than the average 50 year old.
Just think! Sadly, most people don’t. Emotional reasoning instead of logical is a huge part of the problem.