Nebraska law already requires that we report our internet purchases when filing the state income tax return but few do. Anyway, I found Gov. Ricketts comments about this SCOTUS ruling to be interesting. He said that one of the reasons why property taxes are so high is due to declining sales tax revenue due to people not reporting out-of-state internet purchases and because internet businesses aren't required to withhold state tax unless they have a brick-and-mortar presence in Nebraska. So, with the SCOTUS ruling I'm expecting my property taxes to drop. Realistically, that's not likely to happen. Even if property taxes drop with increased sales tax revenue, that just means that our net gain would be at or near zero. So, it doesn't really matter if we report our internet purchases or whether they collect the taxes through the vendor, we won't be any better off if the property taxes drop. Even renters pay property tax as a hidden amount in their rent payments. Does anyone really expect landlords to drop the amount of rent if property taxes drop? Not likely. Obviously, I'm a pessimist (or realist?). My friends in Wyoming are shocked at how much higher our property taxes are in comparison to property taxes on a similar size structure in Wyoming. I should seriously consider moving since it would be easier to do now that my house mortgage is paid off and I'm retired. Too bad I don't really own my house though. It would be nice if property taxes were waived after the house was paid off and when you're a retiree. I could use that money for medical/dental/eyecare insurance.