Ladies, our 2018 event is just over the horizon!
This year's NRA Women On Target event, brought to you by Practical Advantage Firearm Training Center, is shaping up to be our best yet. We've trimmed some fat, so to speak, brought in even more instructors; all to give you ladies more trigger time on the ranges.
Disciplines include:
*Shotgun - it's never a dull day dusting clay targets!
*Pistol/Handgun- We are changing things up this year we will have a variety of semi autos (SA/DA/Striker) as well as revolvers.
*Modern Sporting Rifles (AR15s) - putting rounds down range with a modern, easy handling rifle platform.
*High Power Rifles - let's hear that steel ring at 100 yards!
*Our 'Something New' this year will be a Intro to Cowboy Action- our good friend Terry and his posse will show you the equipment and outfits and run you thru a stage using Cowboy Era firearms such as Single action Colt revolvers, Lever Action Winchester rifles and the ol side by side double barrel 'Coach' shotgun. Ladies, if you like to shoot guns and play dress up... Cowboy Action just might be your cub of tea!

A Catered lunch has been generously donated as well as some product giveaways, and chances to win some awesome 'equipment'!
Follow the Eventbrite link below and get registered now! contact:
Jeremy -
or Julie -
or visit us at Practical Advantage FTC on the Facebook