Good questions from both of you. I would be love to hear Nebraska5's thought on what we should do about it, personally.
Me, I am going to be very careful on who I vote for, specific on the skills I learn, what information I provide to other people, and keep my ear to the ground.
I hope there is never an opportunity for another civil war to break out, but likewise I agree that it would not go well for the Government if they tried to take all the guns.
The author mentioned that the intelligent left leaning poloticians play it close to the vest and "boil the frog" and those are the actions we need to be diligent to prevent. The slow whittling away of our rights because "it's just a bump stock and who really likes those anyway."
If you are a member of the NFOA and are reading the forums you are more active than 90+% of the other members of this organization. Take the time to go out and "preach the Gospel" to others that believe the Constitution is more than just a piece of paper some nice men wrote several hundred years ago. Although I believe they should join the NFOA it is more important that they are aware and active in defending their rights against the slow crawl of "Common Sense Legislation" that we have been subjected to in the past few years.
Take up pen/keyboard and don't be afraid to speak up about your rights and the fact that everyone else has those rights as well. I know you can't go down to the capital building for every bill, but I promise you that the NFOA Legislative committee will be posting about the ones that matter. I went to my first session earlier this year and I learned a VERY important lesson. Even if you don't speak at the session, you do register as for or against the bill and they are paying attention to that as well as the volume of emails, phone calls, and snail mail that comes into their office.
Did you know that one state senator quietly asked our Board to have our members please stop contacting them on a bill because the volume of contacts was so high? Yeah, they got the message that time. Were you part of that?
I am leaving office as Board member in a very few days, but I have to say that the biggest thing I take away from my tenure serving the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association is that we need more people to be actively supporting the rights of all Nebraskans.
So great question, Nebraska5. Great question.
My answer is simply step up and say something. You don't have to be an eloquent speaker, it helps, but that's Rod's forte, and our legislative team can help you craft your message if you need help. You just need to be willing to give a passionate, logical statement and let your voice be heard.
'Nuff said.