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Author Topic: OPEN CARRY THOUGHTS  (Read 6920 times)

Offline ejdaigle1

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« on: May 20, 2019, 07:17:07 PM »
Does anyone do any open carrying? In the winter I often carry OWB because I carry medium to large pistols (G19, CZ P-01, Sig P229).  During the winter and colder months I can easily conceal a larger gun OWB.  I don't have a hard time concealing these guns IWB because I dress appropriately, but I prefer OWB simply because it is more comfortable.  I was just wondering if anyone has carried openly and dealt with anything here in NE?  I live a bit north of Arlington, NE so it is rural, but a lot of people out here are close enough to Omaha that it is tough to read how this would go.  Thoughts?

I know that there is a tactical advantage to keeping it concealed, I am just curious as to peoples' experiences.

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« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2019, 08:54:02 PM »
I do on occasion.  Several reasons like you mentioned.  I live in Sarpy County and have never had an issue pretty much anywhere I went. Have carried a few times in the Omaha.  A few looks now and then,  but nothing really.  Lincoln a few times as well with no issues.
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Offline StuartJ

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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2019, 11:12:26 AM »
Only people I've seen open carrying in Lincoln not law enforcement or security, are employees and customers of Big Shots gun range/store and people at the 2nd Amendment rallies outside the Nebraska capital building.

In Missouri every time I see one of my cousins (funerals and weddings) he's open carrying because he says "the first rule of a gun fight is have a gun". I haven't asked him but I assume he's got one or two concealed backups.  And probably a blade or two.
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Offline ILoveCats

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« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2019, 11:18:09 PM »
That’s awesome. The weddings and funerals I go to are pretty lame by comparison.
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Offline Les

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« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2019, 05:45:37 PM »
Me too, with no pound sign in front.  I've noticed a few but almost never.  I'd prefer no one know.  YMMV

Offline ejdaigle1

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« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2019, 09:49:00 PM »
I would also prefer that no one know, I was asking mostly out of laziness... It is easier and more comfortable to carry OWB openly. I just am not sure how it would be received by the community.

Offline JAK

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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2019, 05:57:28 AM »
While I have seen a few people here in the Bellevue area carrying open, it is very rare.  The individuals that I saw open carrying were using what appeared to be a standard OWB holster vs. one that has any type of retention device beyond a thumb strap which leaves the firearm vulnerable to be snatched.     

My personnel preference is to carry concealed

In addition to the other tactical reasons for carrying concealed, it is to easy for someone that dislikes guns to call in to the Police reporting a individual with a gun or worse saying they were threatened by the individual even when nothing has happened.  Their credibility is increased when they are able to describe the gun which is easily done if the gun is carried openly.

John K

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« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2019, 06:16:12 PM »
While I have seen a few people here in the Bellevue area carrying open, it is very rare.  The individuals that I saw open carrying were using what appeared to be a standard OWB holster vs. one that has any type of retention device beyond a thumb strap which leaves the firearm vulnerable to be snatched.     

My personnel preference is to carry concealed

In addition to the other tactical reasons for carrying concealed, it is to easy for someone that dislikes guns to call in to the Police reporting a individual with a gun or worse saying they were threatened by the individual even when nothing has happened.  Their credibility is increased when they are able to describe the gun which is easily done if the gun is carried openly.

John K

That would be in current vernacular referred to as "Swatting" 

Offline sh68137

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« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2019, 10:12:43 AM »
Conceal Carry is polite & quiet.
Open Carry is political & comfortable.
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2019, 07:09:32 AM »
Here's a case of Open Carry gone bad:


LEO was afraid that the citizen "might" reach for the handgun.

So They lacerated him.   Just in case.   Sortofa preventive measure.

And after all the dust settled, Authorities say it was OK.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 01:29:44 PM by SemperFiGuy »
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Offline Jito463

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« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2019, 10:58:57 AM »
Here's a case of Open Carry gone bad:


LEO was afraid that the citizen "might" reach for the handgun.

So They lacerated him.   Just in case.   Sortofa preventive measure.

And after all the dust settled, Authorities say it was OK.
Not saying the cops were right, but that's not exactly accurate.  He wasn't open carrying per se, he had the gun on his lap (at least, according to the article).  It sounds to me like the cops screwed up the leadup to the shooting, but I wouldn't call that a case of "open carry gone wrong".

On the topic, I personally don't open carry simply because I don't want the attention it would bring.  I'm fine with open carry, it's just not for me.

Offline UnimatrixZeroOne

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« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2019, 11:40:37 AM »
I open carry pretty much whenever I'm not at home. The only times I conceal are when I go to the parties the MC in Fremont have, when I'm in my sweat pants (LCP is great for that), or at the gym because the LCP is just much better than trying, and failing, to have my M&P on me at the time. I used to spend a lot of time at Bucky's off of 204th in Elkhorn at night. Cops would come by all the time. I actually became friends with a few of them due to how often they'd stop by for coffee. Here are my experiences there. One deputy said it was illegal where we were, which it wasn't but he actually did believe it was. He was, very clearly, just looking out for me because he never tried to get me in trouble. In fact, he is one of the cops I consider to be a friend. A female deputy, who I consider a friend, asked why I had a gun and just asked a few questions around that, but in a curious fashion rather than accusative. Never brought up after those questions, and I was told she even asked about me at times to see how I was doing if she hadn't seen me in a while. A cop who looked fresh out of the academy looked a tad nervous, but his TO couldn't have cared less. However, by OCing, it is very probable it prevented a robbery one night shortly after I had received my permit. Cops were called and, when describing the situation, they looked at each other like "Yup, he was here to rob it." While CC gives a tactical advantage in terms of surprise, OC gives the advantage of being a deterrent.

Here are some of my other experiences in Omaha over the past year or so.

Buffalo Wild Wings - No sign, nothing had been said until one assistant manager saw. She raised a huge stink about it, so unprofessional that the table next to us made a comment about how it was ridiculous and they had no issues with OC.

Texas Roadhouse - Asked to not OC (After probably 8 visits while OCing), but CC was fine.

Walmart at 168th & Maple - Manager had 0 problems with it, but one random employee in the middle of the night lied and said they had signs and what not. No other employee had ever said anything negative, and I actually talked to a couple about guns and what not.

Alamo Drafthouse - No issues, but one screening, on an extremely busy day, a manager came up to me, and was very discreet about everything, and asked if he could see my permit. Due to how he asked, I showed him. He said he had no issues with it, but just wanted to look out for the safety of everyone and try to make sure no one was there to do harm. Told me to enjoy the movie after. I really respected that. Looking out for the safety of the attendees, while not infringing.

Marcus Majestic, Village Inn, IHOP, Best Buy, Dairy Queen, Menards, ACE Hardware, and others - No issues.

The issues have been extremely few and far between, most people around here just seem to not care much. You'll always have those few that try to ruin it, but they aren't abundant here. I've also had a few people come up to me to ask about guns, how to get a permit, where to take the class, etc. Those experiences have greatly outweighed the few negative experiences. I also strongly believe that the more people who see normal, everyday people OCing, it'll show them that people carry guns all the time and they don't do anything criminal and so it'll expand their view on the subject and may make them less likely to view gun owners negatively. You definitely should be on your best behavior while OCing, however, as you are, essentially, representing the gun community. You also should have an active retention holster. I use the Safariland 7378 and I absolutely love it. It's very comfortable, holds tight to my body, and gives me peace of mind, especially since I installed the, very minimal, ALS guard.

Now, something I haven't seen mentioned is the restrictions on OC vs CC in the law in Nebraska. NRS 69-2441, which governs places off limits (except federal buildings and schools), only applies to concealed carry. If you are open carrying, legally you can ignore NRS 69-2441. I've only ever done so a handful of times, because it really doesn't come up much at all, but I felt that information should be known so you are able to make the most informed decision.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 11:44:43 AM by UnimatrixZeroOne »

Offline ejdaigle1

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« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2019, 08:55:45 PM »
Thanks everyone! I typically still concealed carry, my main reason for asking this was to test the waters with an OWB pancake holster. It worked well. My concern was if the holster showed while I was moving and my shirt lifted up.  Hasn't ever been a problem.  Just wanted to pose the question. 

Offline SemperFiGuy

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« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2019, 09:08:58 PM »
My concern was if the holster showed while I was moving and my shirt lifted up.

If such should happen, so far as I know, no firearms law would be violated.

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Offline Mali

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« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2019, 09:27:04 PM »
My concern was if the holster showed while I was moving and my shirt lifted up.

Although I do not generally open carry, I will tell you that unless you are concealed carrying in a restricted area when your gun shows there is no legal ramifications to a bit of pancake showing.
I have not heard of any SWATing incidents in our area because somebody was offended that someone was carrying, although I have heard enough comments from people who do not know I am carrying to know there are people out there who are too scared to learn the truth about firearms and how they work.
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Offline Jito463

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« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2019, 09:59:34 AM »
I have heard enough comments from people who do not know I am carrying to know there are people out there who are too scared to learn the truth about firearms and how they work.

I work at a computer store, and had a customer one time make the random comment that it was better to be into computers than guns.  I just casually threw out over my shoulder that I'm also into those.

She didn't say much after that.

Offline Mali

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« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2019, 11:57:19 AM »
I work at a computer store, and had a customer one time make the random comment that it was better to be into computers than guns.  I just casually threw out over my shoulder that I'm also into those.

She didn't say much after that.
Funny how the stupid people can get smart sometimes.  :laugh:

Not sure which hobby costs me more sometimes.
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« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2019, 12:13:07 PM »
I've also had a few people come up to me to ask about guns, how to get a permit, where to take the class, etc.

This was an unexpected outcome I had not thought of.  Thanks for the post about interactions.

I wouldn't open carry in NE, but I want it on the books everywhere to protect the accidental uncover mostly.  And for spite.  :laugh:

I would be more likely to open carry in KS where we have a bit more protection from a legal stand point but I still never do. 

Strange how Open Carry is now 14 steps down below the offensive list of wearing a MAGA hat..   Weird. 


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« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2019, 12:29:13 PM »
I would be more likely to open carry in KS where we have a bit more protection from a legal stand point but I still never do.   

Curious how you came to that conclusion.  Are you aware of cases in Nebraska where someone Open carrying has run into legal problems (outside of committing a felony, or a prohibited person)?