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Author Topic: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe  (Read 5015 times)

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Dr. John Lott with the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released a paper recently looking at the effect of resistance and and arming teachers on mass-shooting events at schools. He also gets into the issues brought up about the risks to students if they are exposed to teachers who are carrying a concealed firearm.

Here is a link to the paper he released: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe: Data on the Rate of Shootings and Accidents in Schools that allow Teachers to Carry
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Re: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2019, 01:46:06 PM »
WHAT?  Safe, you say?  That can't be!  The media clearly told us that students would be shot by teachers if they were allowed to carry in school.  And the media would never lie to us.......right?


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Re: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2019, 10:32:22 AM »
i don't think teachers have been carrying long enough to say. it's not like each school has a shooting every day .. and the ones with armed teachers do not.. it's so random it would take YEARS to say.

 if it's a student or a past student that is doing the shooting "in most cases it is" don't you think he or she would just kill the teacher and then kill the rest in the room if he or she knows a teacher may be armed ?? it is not like many schools allow teachers this in the first place.  the shooter may get shot in the hallway moving to the next class room, but only if the teachers move to the sound of the shots . and not cower in the back corner with the kids or stay in THEIR room to protect only their class.. quite frankly we will not know how the teachers will act till it happens in their classroom or school.

 what happens when the police arrive and they come across armed adults in the hallway??.. not a situation i would want to be in .. if the police have to keep stopping to deal with the armed teachers it may take them longer to find the shooter..  it's a no win situation..

 you can't stop crazy. or random acts. or predict when a kid that is a good kid, gets picked on one too many times by bully's , and steals dads gun and wants to get even..  with the amount of school shooting over the past few years, the only thing that has been proven to 100% not work... GUN Free Zone law !!

I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

Offline 402.308

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Re: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2020, 03:44:32 PM »
I know this is an old post, but the topic is still relevant.

if it's a student or a past student that is doing the shooting "in most cases it is" don't you think he or she would just kill the teacher and then kill the rest in the room if he or she knows a teacher may be armed ?? it is not like many schools allow teachers this in the first place.  the shooter may get shot in the hallway moving to the next class room, but only if the teachers move to the sound of the shots . and not cower in the back corner with the kids or stay in THEIR room to protect only their class.. quite frankly we will not know how the teachers will act till it happens in their classroom or school.

This is why concealed carry should be allowed everywhere. The possibility of every law abiding, trained, confident gun owner carrying their self defense weapon, every day, with NO gun free zones, would be enough to heavily diminish the chance some coward would come around looking for easy victims.

No one can say exactly how they would react in any given situation in life, be it driving to the store or walking your dog, this is where training and experience comes in as a firearm owner. This is why we practice at the range, this is why we stay in yellow alert mode, this is why we choose to prepare for the worst.

I'd rather have a fighting chance, personally.

what happens when the police arrive and they come across armed adults in the hallway??.. not a situation i would want to be in .. if the police have to keep stopping to deal with the armed teachers it may take them longer to find the shooter..  it's a no win situation..

What happens when the police arrive?
Here's a couple of possibilities:
If the protector sees them first they don't point the gun at the police. And, unless they are in process of neutralizing the attacker, they are not actively shooting and will know that they should put their gun on the ground and keep their hands visible until the police have assessed the threat level.
Law enforcement officers are also trained in such matters.

you can't stop crazy. or random acts. or predict when a kid that is a good kid, gets picked on one too many times by bully's , and steals dads gun and wants to get even..  with the amount of school shooting over the past few years, the only thing that has been proven to 100% not work... GUN Free Zone law !!

I agree that life is unpredictable and that gun free zones are the problem. teachers know their students well, we cannot ignore that. Just because we don't know the future does not mean that we should not prepare in advance. Having an attitude that we should just give up or give in is what is wrong with society. Unless people take a realistic approach to solving these problems instead of just hoping a utopia manifests by means of tyrannical policies, we will never be able to prevent any destructive behaviors of evil in this world.
We need to be alert and be prepared. Period.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 03:47:53 PM by 402.308 »
"...and let him who has no sword sell his tunic and buy one."
                         ~Jesus to the Apostles (Luke 22:36)


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Offline m morton

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Re: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2020, 06:57:12 PM »
100% agree that concealed carry should be allowed everywhere. and gun free zone law was the biggest POS law ever passed...

agreed that a honest person armed should be smart enough to not point their gun at uniformed police.. your in a high stress situation...    you could also have plain clothes defectives & off duty officers responding. and every "person" teacher or student that is stopped - is time , time ticking on the clock , even if it's a quick 1 minute pat down and handcuff and figure out if the person is a teacher at a later time. your an active shooter that 1 min could be?? one more room full of dead people? a few mags emptied  and swapped out... your trying to do good BUT the time wasted messing with you cost one more room to be shot up.. was the point i was trying to make .. and  it's a no win situation.  the history of school shooting, is the shooter strikes fast , keeps shooing till confronted , then shoots him self, or shot by police. this is why police don't stack up and wait out side any more, you get their you go in... more time wasted = more dead.
I will allow myself one personal observation. If you want to disarm yourself, that is your choice. The following quote is a favorite of mine and something to keep in mind when you make that choice.

“Sheep don’t tell wolves what’s for dinner.”

Offline 402.308

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Re: Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2020, 11:34:34 AM »
...and every "person" teacher or student that is stopped - is time , time ticking on the clock , even if it's a quick 1 minute pat down and handcuff and figure out if the person is a teacher at a later time. your an active shooter that 1 min could be?? one more room full of dead people? a few mags emptied  and swapped out... your trying to do good BUT the time wasted messing with you cost one more room to be shot up.. was the point i was trying to make .. and  it's a no win situation.  the history of school shooting, is the shooter strikes fast , keeps shooing till confronted , then shoots him self, or shot by police. this is why police don't stack up and wait out side any more, you get their you go in... more time wasted = more dead.

Time wasted? How is this any different from a real situation? We don't have one Barney running around checking pockets and purses while the mastermind shooter is in the process of killing more people!

You seem to lack faith in the ability of a good person/people with a gun to defend innocent lives, and also in the ability of law enforcement to effectively manage the situation once they finally arrive on scene.
Instead, it sounds like you are plainly just against banning gun-free zones although you claim not to be.

The truth is, that more civilian gun owners STOP crimes and deaths before they even happen. Otherwise, their ability to neutralize the situation faster than someone can say "Gun!" means so many lives are saved in that time...the time ticking on the clock, as you say.

It seems you would rather have these people defenseless than allow someone to bother getting in the way of everyone running, hiding and being shot at while waiting on the police to arrive after first waiting for someone to make the phone call to begin with.

Yes, lets just allow the killer to have total control because it is too much time wasted to pat down a couple people who are clearly cooperative, while the obvious threat is in progress down the hall.


There are so many cases of unreported incidents, there are probably many times when a would be shooter changed their mind at the last minute because it wasn't worth the risk of being stopped. We will never know about those cases. We need more of that.

One point I brought up in my first reply was that if a criminal knows there is a good chance they will be stopped, they will often choose to "live to fight another day" or look for an easier target.

Gun-free zones are those easy targets.


Out of 283 cases, Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

8/8/2019: Read the title of the article carefully...
In Missouri, a Good Guy With a Gun Stepped Up — So Can You



Brief list of only 24 reported incidents between 1991 and 2017:
« Last Edit: March 08, 2020, 12:29:28 PM by 402.308 »
"...and let him who has no sword sell his tunic and buy one."
                         ~Jesus to the Apostles (Luke 22:36)


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