Umm, so how did the hearing go? From the media reports it sounds like not so well. We the NFOA would like a report from those that were there. I just got off the phone with 6 of the 8 Senators offices who sit on the judiciary committee. I called everyone except Council and McGill. As of now Ashford's office does not know if he supports it yet or not. Christensens office said that McGill completely is against it and Council doesn't support the expansion of the use of force, but does support civil immunity (WOW!!!). Council surprised me. Lautenbaugh, Christensen, Coash (he did have some issue with the car part) all support it. Didn't get a hold of Rogert's office but left a message. I am also assuming that Rogert is on our side since he seems to be pro gun. The problem maker this time is Lathrop. He does not like the bill at all and according to his office will probably not be supporting this bill which means we NEED Brad Ashford's vote to get it out of committee. Lathrop, in his mind, sees a problem with the language and believes that "accidents" will happen: such as the meter reader getting shot or the neighbor with alzheimers. Personally I think his concerns are blown way out of proportion, the bill is pretty clear that if someone is not committing a crime (forcible felony) such as kicking down your door or bashing in your window or trying to set the place ablaze the homeowner will not be protected in shooting such person.
Folks, the only way this thing is going to get out of committee is if we heavily lobby Mr. Ashford. So get on the phone folks!